Source code for SimEx.Analysis.XFELPhotonAnalysis

""" :module XFELPhotonAnalysis: Module that hosts the XFELPhotonAnalysis class."""
#                                                                        #
# Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Carsten Fortmann-Grote                         #
# Contact: Carsten Fortmann-Grote <>                #
#                                                                        #
# This file is part of simex_platform.                                   #
# simex_platform is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify #
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by   #
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or      #
# (at your option) any later version.                                    #
#                                                                        #
# simex_platform is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,      #
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of         #
# GNU General Public License for more details.                           #
#                                                                        #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License      #
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.  #
#                                                                        #

from SimEx.Analysis.AbstractAnalysis import AbstractAnalysis, plt, mpl

import os,shutil
import copy
import numpy
import wpg

[docs]class XFELPhotonAnalysis(AbstractAnalysis): """ :class XFELPhotonAnalysis: Class that implements common data analysis tasks for wavefront (radiation field) data. """ def __init__(self, input_path=None,): """ :param input_path: Name of file or directory that contains data to analyse. :type input_path: str """ print("\n Start initialization.") # Initialize base class. This takes care of parameter checking. super(XFELPhotonAnalysis, self).__init__(input_path) # Get wavefront file name. wavefront = wpg.Wavefront() print("\n Loading wavefront from %s." % (self.input_path)) wavefront.load_hdf5(self.input_path) print(" ... done.") # Init intensity. self.__intensity = None # Init wavefront, triggers assignment of intensity. self.wavefront = wavefront @property def intensity(self): """ Query for the intensity. """ return self.__intensity @intensity.setter def intensity(self, val): """ Set the intensity. """ self.__intensity = val @property def wavefront(self): """ Query for the wavefront. """ return self.__wavefront @wavefront.setter def wavefront(self, val): """ Query for the wavefront. """ self.__wavefront = val # Get intensities and mask nans print("\n Getting intensities.") self.intensity = self.__wavefront.get_intensity() print(" ... done.") print(" Data dimensions = ", self.intensity.shape) print("\n Masking NANs.") self.__nans = mask_nans(self.intensity) print(" ... done.")
[docs] def animate(self, qspace=False, logscale=False): """ Generate an animated gif from the wavefront data. """ intensity = self.intensity # Get limits. xmin, xmax, ymax, ymin = self.wavefront.get_limits() mx = intensity.max() mn = intensity.min() if logscale and mn <= 0.0: mn = intensity[numpy.where(intensity > 0.0)].min(), inp_filename = os.path.split(self.input_path)[-1] os.mkdir("tmp") number_of_slices = intensity.shape[-1] # Setup a figure. for i in range(0,number_of_slices): print("Processing slice #%d." % (i)) # Plot profile as 2D colorcoded map. if logscale: plt.imshow(intensity[:,:,i], norm=mpl.colors.LogNorm(vmin=mn, vmax=mx), extent=[xmin*1.e6, xmax*1.e6, ymax*1.e6, ymin*1.e6], cmap="viridis") else: plt.imshow(intensity[:,:,i], norm=mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=mn, vmax=mx), extent=[xmin*1.e6, xmax*1.e6, ymax*1.e6, ymin*1.e6], cmap="viridis") plt.savefig("tmp/%s_%07d.png" % (inp_filename, i) ) plt.clf() os.system("convert -delay 10 tmp/*.png %s.gif" % (inp_filename) ) shutil.rmtree("tmp")
[docs] def plotIntensityMap(self, qspace=False, logscale=False): """ Plot the integrated intensity as function of x,y or qx, qy on a colormap. :param qspace: Whether to plot the reciprocal space intensity map (default False). :type qspace: bool :param logscale: Whether to plot the intensity on a logarithmic scale (z-axis) (default False). :type logscale: bool """ print("\n Plotting intensity map.") # Setup new figure. plt.figure() wf = self.wavefront wf_intensity = self.intensity # Switch to q-space if requested. if qspace: print("\n Switching to reciprocal space.") srwl_wf_a = copy.deepcopy(self.wavefront._srwl_wf) wpg.srwlib.srwl.SetRepresElecField(srwl_wf_a, 'a') wf = wpg.Wavefront(srwl_wf_a) print(" ... done.") wf_intensity = wf.get_intensity() nans = mask_nans(wf_intensity) # Get average and time slicing. wf_intensity = wf_intensity.sum(axis=-1) nslices = wf.params.Mesh.nSlices if (nslices>1): dt = (wf.params.Mesh.sliceMax-wf.params.Mesh.sliceMin)/(nslices-1) t0 = dt*nslices/2 + wf.params.Mesh.sliceMin else: t0 = (wf.params.Mesh.sliceMax+wf.params.Mesh.sliceMin)/2 # Setup a figure. figure = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10), dpi=100) plt.axis('tight') # Profile plot. profile = plt.subplot2grid((3, 3), (1, 0), colspan=2, rowspan=2) # Get limits. xmin, xmax, ymax, ymin = wf.get_limits() mn, mx = wf_intensity.min(), wf_intensity.max() # Plot profile as 2D colorcoded map. if logscale: profile.imshow(wf_intensity, norm=mpl.colors.LogNorm(vmin=mn, vmax=mx), extent=[xmin*1.e6, xmax*1.e6, ymax*1.e6, ymin*1.e6], cmap="viridis") else: profile.imshow(wf_intensity, norm=mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=mn, vmax=mx), extent=[xmin*1.e6, xmax*1.e6, ymax*1.e6, ymin*1.e6], cmap="viridis") # Get x and y ranges. x = numpy.linspace(xmin*1.e6, xmax*1.e6, wf_intensity.shape[1]) y = numpy.linspace(ymin*1.e6, ymax*1.e6, wf_intensity.shape[0]) # Labels. if qspace: profile.set_xlabel(r'$q_{x}\ \mathrm{(\mu rad)}$') profile.set_ylabel(r'$q_{y}\ \mathrm{(\mu rad)}$') else: profile.set_xlabel(r'$x\ \mathrm{(\mu m)}$') profile.set_ylabel(r'$y\ \mathrm{(\mu m)}$') # x-projection plots above main plot. x_projection = plt.subplot2grid((3, 3), (0, 0), sharex=profile, colspan=2) x_projection.plot(x, wf_intensity.sum(axis=0), label='x projection') # Set range according to input. profile.set_xlim([xmin*1.e6, xmax*1.e6]) # y-projection plot right of main plot. y_projection = plt.subplot2grid((3, 3), (1, 2), rowspan=2, sharey=profile) y_projection.plot(wf_intensity.sum(axis=1), y, label='y projection') # Hide minor tick labels, they disturb here. plt.minorticks_off() # Set range according to input. profile.set_ylim([ymin*1.e6, ymax*1.e6]) # Cleanup. if qspace: del wf
[docs] def plotTotalPower(self, spectrum=False): """ Method to plot the total power. :param spectrum: Whether to plot the power density in energy domain (True) or time domain (False, default). :type spectrum: bool """ """ Adapted from github:Samoylv/WPG/wpg/wpg_uti_wf.integral_intensity() """ print("\n Plotting total power.") # Setup new figure. plt.figure() # Switch to frequency (energy) domain if requested. if spectrum: print("\n Switching to frequency domain.") wpg.srwlib.srwl.SetRepresElecField(self.wavefront._srwl_wf, 'f') self.intensity = self.wavefront.get_intensity() # Get dimensions. mesh = self.wavefront.params.Mesh dx = (mesh.xMax - mesh.xMin)/(mesh.nx - 1) dy = (mesh.yMax - mesh.yMin)/(mesh.ny - 1) # Get intensity by integrating over transverse dimensions. int0 = self.intensity.sum(axis=(0,1)) # Scale to get unit W/mm^2 int0 = int0*(dx*dy*1.e6) # amplitude units sqrt(W/mm^2) int0max = int0.max() # Get center pixel numbers. center_nx = int(mesh.nx/2) center_ny = int(mesh.ny/2) # Get meaningful slices. aw = [a[0] for a in numpy.argwhere(int0 > int0max*0.01)] int0_mean = int0[min(aw):max(aw)] # meaningful range of pulse dSlice = (mesh.sliceMax - mesh.sliceMin)/(mesh.nSlices - 1) xs = numpy.arange(mesh.nSlices)*dSlice+ mesh.sliceMin xs_mf = numpy.arange(min(aw), max(aw))*dSlice + mesh.sliceMin if(self.wavefront.params.wDomain=='time'): plt.plot(xs*1e15, int0) # time axis converted to fs. plt.plot(xs_mf*1e15, int0_mean, 'ro') plt.title('Power') plt.xlabel('time (fs)') plt.ylabel('Power (W)') dt = (mesh.sliceMax - mesh.sliceMin)/(mesh.nSlices - 1) print(('Pulse energy {:1.2g} J'.format(int0_mean.sum()*dt))) else: #frequency domain plt.plot(xs, int0) plt.plot(xs_mf, int0_mean, 'ro') plt.title('Spectral Energy') plt.xlabel('eV') plt.ylabel('J/eV') # Switch back to time domain. wpg.srwlib.srwl.SetRepresElecField(self.wavefront._srwl_wf, 't') self.intensity = self.wavefront.get_intensity()
[docs] def plotOnAxisPowerDensity(self, spectrum=False): """ Method to plot the on-axis power density. :param spectrum: Whether to plot the power density in energy domain (True) or time domain (False, default). :type spectrum: bool """ """ Adapted from github:Samoylv/WPG/wpg/wpg_uti_wf.integral_intensity() """ print("\n Plotting on-axis power density.") # Setup new figure. plt.figure() # Switch to frequency (energy) domain if requested. if spectrum: wpg.srwlib.srwl.SetRepresElecField(self.wavefront._srwl_wf, 'f') self.intensity = self.wavefront.get_intensity() # Get dimensions. mesh = self.wavefront.params.Mesh dx = (mesh.xMax - mesh.xMin)/(mesh.nx - 1) dy = (mesh.yMax - mesh.yMin)/(mesh.ny - 1) # Get center pixel numbers. center_nx = int(mesh.nx/2) center_ny = int(mesh.ny/2) # Get time slices of intensity. intensity = self.intensity # Get on-axis intensity. int0_00 = intensity[center_ny, center_nx, :] int0 = intensity.sum(axis=(0,1))*(dx*dy*1.e6) # amplitude units sqrt(W/mm^2) int0max = int0.max() # Get meaningful slices. aw = [a[0] for a in numpy.argwhere(int0 > int0max*0.01)] if aw == []: raise RuntimeError("No significant intensities found.") dSlice = (mesh.sliceMax - mesh.sliceMin)/(mesh.nSlices - 1) xs = numpy.arange(mesh.nSlices)*dSlice+ mesh.sliceMin xs_mf = numpy.arange(min(aw), max(aw))*dSlice + mesh.sliceMin # Plot. if(self.wavefront.params.wDomain=='time'): plt.plot(xs*1e15,int0_00) plt.plot(xs_mf*1e15, int0_00[min(aw):max(aw)], 'ro') plt.title('On-Axis Power Density') plt.xlabel('time (fs)') plt.ylabel(r'Power density (W/mm${}^{2}$)') else: #frequency domain plt.plot(xs,int0_00) plt.plot(xs_mf, int0_00[min(aw):max(aw)], 'ro') plt.title('On-Axis Spectral Fluence') plt.xlabel('photon energy (eV)') plt.ylabel(r'fluence (J/eV/mm${}^{2}$)') # Switch back to time domain. wpg.srwlib.srwl.SetRepresElecField(self.wavefront._srwl_wf, 't') self.intensity = self.wavefront.get_intensity()
[docs]def mask_nans(a, replacement=0.0): """ Find nans in an array and replace. :param a: Array to mask. :type a: numpy.array :param replacement: The value to replace nans. :type replacement: numeric :return: The array of booleans indicating which values of a are nan, numpy.isnan(a) :rtype: numpy.array(dtype=bool) """ isnan_array = numpy.isnan(a) # This can take a while ... if isnan_array.any(): nans = numpy.where(isnan_array) print("WARNING: Found intensity=NAN at", repr(nans)) a[nans] = 0.0 # Yes this works because a is a reference! return isnan_array