Source code for SimEx.Calculators.EMCCaseGenerator

""":module EMCCaseGenerator: Hosting the EMCCaseGenerator class that sets up a EMC run."""
#                                                                        #
# Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Carsten Fortmann-Grote                         #
# Based on simS2E script provided by N.-D. Loh.                          #
# Contact: Carsten Fortmann-Grote <>                #
#                                                                        #
# This file is part of simex_platform.                                   #
# simex_platform is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify #
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by   #
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or      #
# (at your option) any later version.                                    #
#                                                                        #
# simex_platform is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,      #
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of         #
# GNU General Public License for more details.                           #
#                                                                        #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License      #
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.  #
#                                                                        #

import h5py
import numpy
import os
import sys
import time

def _print_to_log(msg, log_file=None):
    if not os.path.exists(log_file):
        fp = open(log_file, "w")
        fp = open(log_file, "a")
    t_msg = time.asctime() + ":: " + msg


def _create_directory(dir_name, logging=True, log_file=None, err_msg=""):
    if os.path.exists(dir_name):
        if logging:
            _print_to_log(dir_name + " exists! " + err_msg, log_file=log_file)
            print(dir_name + " exists! ")
        if logging:
            _print_to_log("Creating " + dir_name, log_file=log_file)
            print("Creating " + dir_name)

def load_intensities(ref_file):

    with h5py.File(ref_file, 'r') as fp:
        data_format_version = (fp["version"].value()).astype("float")
        if data_format_version < 0.2:
            t_intens = (fp["data/data"].value()).astype("float")

            intens_len = len(t_intens)
            qmax    = intens_len/2
            (q_low, q_high) = (15, int(0.9*qmax))
            qRange1 = numpy.arange(-q_high, q_high + 1)
            qRange2 = numpy.arange(-qmax, qmax + 1)
            qPos0   = numpy.array([[i,j,0] for i in qRange1 for j in qRange1 if numpy.sqrt(i*i+j*j) > q_low]).astype("float")
            qPos1   = numpy.array([[i,0,j] for i in qRange1 for j in qRange1 if numpy.sqrt(i*i+j*j) > q_low]).astype("float")
            qPos2   = numpy.array([[0,i,j] for i in qRange1 for j in qRange1 if numpy.sqrt(i*i+j*j) > q_low]).astype("float")
            qPos    = numpy.concatenate((qPos0, qPos1, qPos2))
            qPos_full = numpy.array([[i,j,k] for i in qRange2 for j in qRange2 for k in qRange2]).astype("float")

            return (qmax, t_intens, intens_len, qPos, qPos_full)

        else: # for data format version >= 0.2
            t_intens = []
            tasks_in_file = list(fp.keys())
            for task in tasks_in_file["data"]:
                t_intens.append( (fp["data"][key]["data"].value()).astype("float") )

            t_intens = numpy.array(t_intens)
            intens_len = t_intens.shape[1]
            qmax    = intens_len/2
            (q_low, q_high) = (15, int(0.9*qmax))
            qRange1 = numpy.arange(-q_high, q_high + 1)
            qRange2 = numpy.arange(-qmax, qmax + 1)
            qPos0   = numpy.array([[i,j,0] for i in qRange1 for j in qRange1 if numpy.sqrt(i*i+j*j) > q_low]).astype("float")
            qPos1   = numpy.array([[i,0,j] for i in qRange1 for j in qRange1 if numpy.sqrt(i*i+j*j) > q_low]).astype("float")
            qPos2   = numpy.array([[0,i,j] for i in qRange1 for j in qRange1 if numpy.sqrt(i*i+j*j) > q_low]).astype("float")
            qPos    = numpy.concatenate((qPos0, qPos1, qPos2))
            qPos_full = numpy.array([[i,j,k] for i in qRange2 for j in qRange2 for k in qRange2]).astype("float")

            return (qmax, t_intens, intens_len, qPos, qPos_full)

def zero_neg(x):
    return 0. if x<=0. else x
v_zero_neg  = numpy.vectorize(zero_neg)

def find_two_means(vals, v0, v1):
    v0_t    = 0.
    v0_t_n  = 0.
    v1_t    = 0.
    v1_t_n  = 0.
    for vv in vals:
        if (numpy.abs(vv-v0) > abs(vv-v1)):
            v1_t    += vv
            v1_t_n  += 1.
            v0_t    += vv
            v0_t_n  += 1.
    return (v0_t/v0_t_n, v1_t/v1_t_n)

def cluster_two_means(vals):
    (v0,v1)     = (0.,0.1)
    (v00, v11)  = find_two_means(vals, v0, v1)
    err = 0.5*(numpy.abs(v00-v0)+numpy.abs(v11-v1))
    while(err > 1.E-5):
        (v00, v11)  = find_two_means(vals, v0, v1)
        err         = 0.5*(numpy.abs(v00-v0)+numpy.abs(v11-v1))
        (v0, v1)    = (v00, v11)
    return (v0, v1)

def support_from_autocorr(auto, qmax, thr_0, thr_1, kl=1, write=True):
    pos     = numpy.argwhere(numpy.abs(auto-thr_0) > numpy.abs(auto-thr_1))
    pos_set = set()
    pos_list= []
    kerl    = list(range(-kl,kl+1))
    ker     = [[i,j,k] for i in kerl for j in kerl for k in kerl]

    def trun(v):
        return int(numpy.ceil(0.5*v))
    v_trun = numpy.vectorize(trun)

    for (pi, pj, pk) in pos:
        for (ci, cj, ck) in ker:
            pos_set.add((pi+ci, pj+cj, pk+ck))
    for s in pos_set:
        pos_list.append([s[0], s[1], s[2]])

    pos_array = numpy.array(pos_list)
    pos_array -= [a.min() for a in pos_array.transpose()]
    pos_array = numpy.array([v_trun(a) for a in pos_array])

    if write:
        fp  = open("support.dat", "w")
        fp.write("%d %d\n"%(qmax, len(pos_array)))
        for p in pos_array:
            fp.write("%d %d %d\n" % (p[0], p[1], p[2]))

    return pos_array

# Convert photons into sparse format, split into multiple files
# Create detector.dat, creation of beamstop
# Test data is in: /data/S2E/data/simulation_test/diffr

[docs]class EMCCaseGenerator(object): """ :class EMCCaseGenerator: Encapsulates one EMC case. """ def __init__(self, runLog=None): """ :param runLog: Flag that indicates where to save the runtime log. :type runLog: str, default None (don't save log.)" """ #Initialize essential parameters self.z = 0 self.sigma = 0 self.qmax = 0 self.qmin = 0 self.numPixToEdge = 0 self.detectorDist = 0 self.maxScatteringAng = 0 self.detector = None self.beamstop = None self.intensities = None self.runLog = runLog #Initialize non-essential parameters self.density = [] = [] self.supportPositions = []
[docs] def writeDetectorToFile(self, filename="detector.dat"): """ Writes computed detector and beamstop coordinates to output. :param filename: Path of file where to write the detector data. :type filename: str """ _print_to_log("Writing detector to %s"%(filename), log_file=self.runLog) header = "%d\t%d\t%d\n" % (numpy.ceil(self.qmax), len(self.detector), len(self.beamstop)) f = open(filename, 'w') f.write(header) for i in self.detector: text = "%e\t%e\t%e\n" % (i[0], i[1], i[2]) f.write(text) for i in self.beamstop: text = "%d\t%d\t%d\n" % (i[0], i[1], i[2]) f.write(text) f.close()
[docs] def placePixel(self, ii, jj, zL): """ Gives (qx,qy,qz) position of pixels on Ewald sphere when given as input the (x,y,z)=(ii,jj,zL) position of pixel in the diffraction laboratory. The latter is measured in terms of the size of each realspace pixel. :param ii: Pixel index in x direction :type ii: int :param jj: Pixel index in y direction :type jj: int :param zL: Distance of pixel from detector in units of detector size. :type zL: float """ v = numpy.array([ii,jj,zL]) vDenom = numpy.sqrt(1 + (ii*ii + jj*jj)/(zL*zL)) return v/vDenom - numpy.array([0,0,zL])
[docs] def readGeomFromPhotonData(self, fn,thisProcess): """ Extract detector geometry from S2E photon files. :param fn: Path to file to read. :type fn: str """ if thisProcess==0: _print_to_log("Reading geometry file using file %s"%fn, log_file=self.runLog) f = h5py.File(fn, 'r') self.detectorDist = (f["params/geom/detectorDist"].value) #We expect the detector to always be square of length 2*self.numPixToEdge+1 (r,c) = f["params/geom/mask"].shape if (r == c and (r%2==1)): self.numPixToEdge = (r-1)//2 else: msg = "Your array has shape %d %d, Only odd-length square detectors allowed now. Quitting"%(r,c) _print_to_log(msg, log_file=self.runLog) sys.exit() pixH = (f['params/geom/pixelHeight'].value) pixW = (f['params/geom/pixelWidth'].value) if(pixH == pixW): self.pixSize = pixH maxScattAng = numpy.arctan(self.numPixToEdge * self.pixSize / self.detectorDist) zL = self.detectorDist / self.pixSize self.qmax = int(2 * self.numPixToEdge * numpy.sin(0.5*maxScattAng) / numpy.tan(maxScattAng)) #Write detector to file [x,y] = numpy.mgrid[-self.numPixToEdge:self.numPixToEdge+1, -self.numPixToEdge:self.numPixToEdge+1] tempDetectorPix = [self.placePixel(i,j,zL) for i,j in zip(x.flat, y.flat)] qualifiedDetectorPix = [i for i in tempDetectorPix if (numpy.sqrt(i[0]*i[0] +i[1]*i[1] + i[2]*i[2])>self.qmin and numpy.sqrt(i[0]*i[0] +i[1]*i[1] + i[2]*i[2])<self.qmax and numpy.abs(i[0])>3)] self.detector = numpy.array(qualifiedDetectorPix) # qmin defaults to 2 pixel beamstop self.qmin = 2 fQmin = numpy.floor(self.qmin) [x,y,z] = numpy.mgrid[-fQmin:fQmin+1, -fQmin:fQmin+1, -fQmin:fQmin+1] self.beamstop = numpy.array([[xx,yy,zz] for xx,yy,zz in zip(x.flat, y.flat, z.flat) if numpy.sqrt(xx*xx + yy*yy + zz*zz)<=self.qmin])
[docs] def readGeomFromDetectorFile(self, fn="detector.dat"): """ Read qx,qy,qz coordinates of detector and beamstop from detector.dat. """ with open(fn, "r") as f: line1 = [int(x) for x in f.readline().split("\t")] self.qmax = int(line1[0]) self.qmin = 2 d = f.readlines() f.close() dLoc = [[float(y) for y in x.split("\t")] for x in d] self.detector = numpy.array(dLoc[:line1[1]]) self.beamstop = numpy.array(dLoc[line1[1]:]) return
[docs] def writeSparsePhotonFile(self, fileList, outFN, outFNH5Avg,thisProcess,numProcesses): """ Convert dense S2E file format to sparse EMC photons.dat format. :param fileList: List of files to convert into one sparse photon file. :type fileList: List ot str. :param outFN: Filename of sparse photon file. :type outFN: str, default 'photons.dat' :param outFNH5Avg: Filename for averaged photon file. :type outFNH5Avg: str """ # Check if we deal with v0.2 file. if len(fileList) == 1 and h5py.File(fileList[0], 'r')['version'].value == 0.2: if thisProcess==0: self._writeSparsePhotonFileFromSingleH5(fileList[0], outFN, outFNH5Avg) return # Log: destination output to file if thisProcess==0: msg = "Writing diffr output to %s"%os.path.dirname(outFN) _print_to_log(msg, log_file=self.runLog) # Define in-plane detector x,y coordinates [x,y] = numpy.mgrid[-self.numPixToEdge:self.numPixToEdge+1, -self.numPixToEdge:self.numPixToEdge+1] # Compute qx,qy,qz positions of detector zL = self.detectorDist / self.pixSize tmpQ = numpy.array([self.placePixel(i,j,zL) for i,j in zip(x.flat, y.flat)]) # Enumerate qualified detector pixels with a running index, currPos pos = -1 + 0*x.flatten() currPos = 0 flatMask = 0.*pos for p,v in enumerate(tmpQ): if numpy.sqrt(v[0]*v[0] +v[1]*v[1] + v[2]*v[2])<self.qmax and numpy.sqrt(v[0]*v[0] +v[1]*v[1] + v[2]*v[2])>self.qmin and numpy.abs(v[0])>3: pos[p] = currPos flatMask[p] = 1. currPos += 1 outf = open(outFN, "w") if thisProcess==0: # Compute mean photon count. meanPhoton = 0. totPhoton = 0. count=0 # counts the processed images. Loop breaks if count goes above 200. for fn in fileList: f = h5py.File(fn, 'r') data_format_version = (f["version"].value).astype("float") if data_format_version < 0.2: meanPhoton += numpy.mean((f["data/data"].value).flatten()) totPhoton += numpy.sum((f["data/data"].value).flatten()) f.close() count +=1 else: tasks = list(f["data"].keys()) for task in tasks: meanPhoton += numpy.mean((f["data"][task]["data"].value).flatten()) totPhoton += numpy.sum((f["data"][task]["data"].value).flatten()) count += 1 f.close() if count >= 200: break meanPhoton /= 1.*count totPhoton /= 1.*count print("Found %f mean and %f total photons on average." % (meanPhoton, totPhoton)) # Start stepping through diffraction images and writing them to sparse format msg = "Average intensities: %lf"%(totPhoton) _print_to_log(msg, log_file=self.runLog) outf.write("%d %lf \n"%(len(fileList), meanPhoton)) mask = flatMask.reshape(2*self.numPixToEdge+1, -1) avg = 0.*mask if thisProcess==0: msg = "Converting individual data frames to sparse format %s"%("."*20) _print_to_log(msg, log_file=self.runLog) for n,fn in enumerate(fileList): if n % numProcesses != thisProcess: continue #try: if True: f = h5py.File(fn, 'r') data_format_version = (f["version"].value).astype("float") if data_format_version < 0.2: v = f["data/data"].value avg += v temp = {"o":[], "m":[]} for p,vv in zip(pos, v.flat): # Todo: remove this vv = int(vv) if (p < 0) or (vv==0): pass else: if vv == 1: temp["o"].append(p) if vv > 1: temp["m"].append([p,vv]) [num_o, num_m] = [len(temp["o"]), len(temp["m"])] strNumO = str(num_o) ssO = ' '.join([str(i) for i in temp["o"]]) strNumM = str(num_m) ssM = ' '.join(["%d %d "%(i[0], i[1]) for i in temp["m"]]) outf.write(' '.join([strNumO, ssO, strNumM, ssM]) + "\n") f.close() else: tasks = list(f["data"].keys()) for task in tasks: v = f["data"][task]["data"].value # print "In %s/%s/data, found max. %f and avg %f photons." % (fn, task, v.max(), v.mean()) avg += v temp = {"o":[], "m":[]} for p,vv in zip(pos, v.flat): # Todo: remove this vv = int(vv) if (p < 0) or (vv==0): pass else: if vv == 1: temp["o"].append(p) if vv > 1: temp["m"].append([p,vv]) [num_o, num_m] = [len(temp["o"]), len(temp["m"])] strNumO = str(num_o) ssO = ' '.join([str(i) for i in temp["o"]]) strNumM = str(num_m) ssM = ' '.join(["%d %d "%(i[0], i[1]) for i in temp["m"]]) outf.write(' '.join([strNumO, ssO, strNumM, ssM]) + "\n") f.close() #except: else: msg = "Failed to read file #%d %s." % (n, fn) _print_to_log(msg, log_file=self.runLog) if n%10 == 0: msg = "Translated %d patterns"%n _print_to_log(msg, log_file=self.runLog) outf.close() # Write average photon and mask patterns to file outh5 = h5py.File(outFNH5Avg, 'w') outh5.create_dataset("average", data=avg, compression="gzip", compression_opts=9) if thisProcess==0: outh5.create_dataset("mask", data=mask, compression="gzip", compression_opts=9) outh5.close()
def _writeSparsePhotonFileFromSingleH5(self, dense_file, outFN, outFNH5Avg): """ Convert dense S2E file format to sparse EMC photons.dat format. :param dense_file: List of files to convert into one sparse photon file. :type dense_file: List ot str. :param outFN: Filename of sparse photon file. :type outFN: str, default 'photons.dat' :param outFNH5Avg: Filename for averaged photon file. :type outFNH5Avg: str """ # Log: destination output to file msg = "Writing diffr output to %s"%outFN _print_to_log(msg, log_file=self.runLog) # Define in-plane detector x,y coordinates [x,y] = numpy.mgrid[-self.numPixToEdge:self.numPixToEdge+1, -self.numPixToEdge:self.numPixToEdge+1] # Compute qx,qy,qz positions of detector zL = self.detectorDist / self.pixSize tmpQ = numpy.array([self.placePixel(i,j,zL) for i,j in zip(x.flat, y.flat)]) # Enumerate qualified detector pixels with a running index, currPos pos = -1 + 0*x.flatten() currPos = 0 flatMask = 0.*pos for p,v in enumerate(tmpQ): if numpy.sqrt(v[0]*v[0] +v[1]*v[1] + v[2]*v[2])<self.qmax and numpy.sqrt(v[0]*v[0] +v[1]*v[1] + v[2]*v[2])>self.qmin and numpy.abs(v[0])>3: pos[p] = currPos flatMask[p] = 1. currPos += 1 # Compute mean photon count from the first 200 diffraction images # (or total number of images, whichever is smaller) # Open dense file. h5_dense = h5py.File( dense_file, 'r') number_of_patterns = len(list(h5_dense.keys())) - 3 numFilesToAvgForMeanCount = min([200, number_of_patterns]) meanPhoton = 0. totPhoton = 0. # Open dense file. h5_dense = h5py.File( dense_file, 'r') excluded_keys = ["version", "params", "info"] all_keys = list(h5_dense.keys()) relevant_keys = [k for k in all_keys if not k in excluded_keys] relevant_keys.sort() for fn in relevant_keys[:numFilesToAvgForMeanCount]: f = h5_dense[fn] meanPhoton += numpy.mean((f["data/data"].value).flatten()) totPhoton += numpy.sum((f["data/data"].value).flatten()) meanPhoton /= 1.*numFilesToAvgForMeanCount totPhoton /= 1.*numFilesToAvgForMeanCount # Start stepping through diffraction images and writing them to sparse format msg = "Average intensities: %lf"%(totPhoton) _print_to_log(msg, log_file=self.runLog) outf = open(outFN, "w") outf.write("%d %lf \n"%(number_of_patterns, meanPhoton)) mask = flatMask.reshape(2*self.numPixToEdge+1, -1) avg = 0.*mask msg = "Converting individual data frames to sparse format %s"%("."*20) _print_to_log(msg, log_file=self.runLog) for n,fn in enumerate(h5_dense.keys()): try: f = h5_dense[fn] v = f["data/data"].value avg += v temp = {"o":[], "m":[]} for p,vv in zip(pos, v.flat): # Todo: remove this vv = int(vv) if (p < 0) or (vv==0): pass else: if vv == 1: temp["o"].append(p) if vv > 1: temp["m"].append([p,vv]) [num_o, num_m] = [len(temp["o"]), len(temp["m"])] strNumO = str(num_o) ssO = ' '.join([str(i) for i in temp["o"]]) strNumM = str(num_m) ssM = ' '.join(["%d %d "%(i[0], i[1]) for i in temp["m"]]) outf.write(' '.join([strNumO, ssO, strNumM, ssM]) + "\n") except: msg = "Failed to read pattern #%d %s." % (n, fn) _print_to_log(msg, log_file=self.runLog) if n%10 == 0: msg = "Translated %d patterns"%n _print_to_log(msg, log_file=self.runLog) h5_dense.close() outf.close() # Write average photon and mask patterns to file outh5 = h5py.File(outFNH5Avg, 'w') outh5.create_dataset("average", data=avg, compression="gzip", compression_opts=9) outh5.create_dataset("mask", data=mask, compression="gzip", compression_opts=9) outh5.close()
[docs] def showDetector(self): """ Shows detector pixels as points on scatter plot; could be slow for large detectors. """ # Commented out to avoid poping up of plots during calculation. pass
#if self.detector is not None: #fig = plt.figure() #ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') #ax.scatter(self.detector[:,0], self.detector[:,1], self.detector[:,2], c='r', marker='s') #ax.set_zlim3d(-self.qmax, self.qmax) #else: #msg = "Detector not initiated." #_print_to_log(msg, log_file=self.runLog)
[docs] def makeTestParticleAndSupport(self, inParticleRadius=5.9, inDamping=1.5, inFrac=0.5, inPad=1.8): """ ATTENTION: Untested! Recipe for creating random, "low-passed-filtered binary" contrast by alternating binary projection and low-pass-filter on an random, 3D array of numbers. Variables defined here: support = sphereical particle support (whose radius is less than particleRadius given), density = 3D particle contrast, supportPositions = voxel position of support used in phasing. """ self.particleRadius = inParticleRadius self.damping = inDamping self.frac = inFrac self.pad = inPad self.radius = int(numpy.floor(self.particleRadius) + numpy.floor(self.pad)) self.size = 2*self.radius + 1 [x,y,z] = numpy.mgrid[-self.radius:self.radius+1, -self.radius:self.radius+1, -self.radius:self.radius+1] = numpy.sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z) < self.particleRadius filter = numpy.fft.ifftshift(numpy.exp(-self.damping * (x*x + y*y + z*z) / (self.radius*self.radius))) suppRad = numpy.floor(self.radius) flatSupport = lenIter = self.size * self.size * self.size iter = numpy.random.rand(lenIter) numPixsToKeep = numpy.ceil(self.frac * #Recipe for making binary particle. for i in range(4): #Sets the largest numPixsToKeep pixels to one # and the rest to zero iter *= flatSupport ordering = iter.argsort()[-1:-numPixsToKeep-1:-1] iter[:] = 0 iter[ordering] = 1. #Smoothing with Gaussian filter temp = numpy.fft.fftn(iter.reshape(self.size, self.size, self.size)) iter = numpy.real(numpy.fft.ifftn(filter*temp).flatten()) self.density = iter.reshape(self.size, self.size, self.size) #Create padded support paddedSupport = numpy.sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z) < (self.particleRadius + self.pad) self.supportPositions = numpy.array([[self.radius+i,self.radius+j,self.radius+k] for i,j,k,l in zip(x.flat, y.flat, z.flat, paddedSupport.flat) if l >0]).astype(int)
[docs] def createTestScatteringGeometry(self): """ ATTENTION: Untested! Contains recipe to create, diffract and show a low-pass-filtered, random particle contrast. If particle and diffraction parameters are not given, then default ones are used: particleRadius = 5.9 (num. of pixels; good results if number is x.9, where x is an integer), damping = 1.5 (larger damping=larger DeBye-Waller factor), frac = 0.5 (frac. of most intense realspace voxels forced to persist in iterative particle generation), pad = 1.8 (extra voxels to pad on 3D particle density to create support for phasing), radius = numpy.floor(particleRadius) + numpy.floor(pad) (half length of cubic volume that holds particle), size = 2*radius + 1 (length of cubic volume that holds particle). """ self.z = 1. self.sigma = 6.0 self.qmax = numpy.ceil(self.sigma * self.particleRadius) self.qmin = 1.4302966531242025 * (self.qmax / self.particleRadius) zSq = self.z*self.z self.numPixToEdge = numpy.floor(self.qmax / numpy.sqrt(zSq/(1.+zSq) + (zSq/numpy.sqrt(1+zSq) -self.z))) self.detectorDist = self.z * self.numPixToEdge msg = time.asctime() + ":: " +"(qmin, qmax, detectorDist)=(%lf, %lf, %lf)"%(self.qmin, self.qmax, self.detectorDist) _print_to_log(msg, log_file=self.runLog) #make detector [x,y] = numpy.mgrid[-self.numPixToEdge:self.numPixToEdge+1, -self.numPixToEdge:self.numPixToEdge+1] tempDetectorPix = [self.placePixel(i,j,self.detectorDist) for i,j in zip(x.flat, y.flat)] qualifiedDetectorPix = [i for i in tempDetectorPix if (self.qmin<numpy.sqrt(i[0]*i[0] +i[1]*i[1] + i[2]*i[2])<self.qmax)] self.detector = numpy.array(qualifiedDetectorPix) #make beamstop fQmin = numpy.floor(self.qmin) [x,y,z] = numpy.mgrid[-fQmin:fQmin+1, -fQmin:fQmin+1, -fQmin:fQmin+1] if op.beamstop: tempBeamstop = [[i,j,k] for i,j,k in zip(x.flat, y.flat, z.flat) if (numpy.sqrt(i*i + j*j + k*k) < (self.qmin - numpy.sqrt(3.)))] else: tempBeamstop = [[0,0,0]] self.beamstop = numpy.array(tempBeamstop).astype(int)
[docs] def diffractTestCase(self, inMaxScattAngDeg=45., inSigma=6.0, inQminNumShannonPix=1.4302966531242025): """ ATTENTION: Untested! Requires makeMonster() to first be called, so that particle density is created. Function diffract() needs the maximum scattering angle to the edge of the detector, the sampling rate of Shannon pixels (inSigma=6 means each Shannon pixel is sampled by roughly 6 pixels), and the central missing data region has a radius of inQminNumShannonPix (in units of Shannon pixels). Variables redefined here: z = cotangent of maximum scattering angle, sigma = sampling rate on Shannon pixels, qmax = number of pixels to edge of detector, numPixToEdge = same as qmax, detectorDist = detector-particle distance (units of detector pixels), beamstop = voxel positions of central disk of missing data on detector, detector = pixel position of 2D area detector (projected on Ewald sphere), intensities = 3D Fourier intensities of particle. """ self.z = 1/numpy.tan(numpy.pi * inMaxScattAngDeg / 180.) self.sigma = inSigma self.qmax = numpy.ceil(self.sigma * self.particleRadius) zSq = self.z*self.z self.numPixToEdge = numpy.floor(self.qmax / numpy.sqrt(zSq/(1.+zSq) + (zSq/numpy.sqrt(1+zSq) -self.z))) self.detectorDist = self.z * self.numPixToEdge self.qmin = inQminNumShannonPix * (self.qmax / self.particleRadius) #make fourier intensities intensSize = 2 * self.qmax + 1 self.intensities = numpy.zeros((intensSize, intensSize, intensSize)) self.intensities[:self.size, :self.size, :self.size] = self.density self.intensities = numpy.fft.fftshift(numpy.fft.fftn(self.intensities)) self.intensities = numpy.abs(self.intensities * self.intensities.conjugate())
[docs] def showDensity(self): """ ATTENTION: Untested! Shows particle density as an array of sequential, equal-sized 2D sections. """ subplotlen = int(numpy.ceil(numpy.sqrt(len(self.density)))) #fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9.5, 9.5)) for i in range(len(self.density)): pass
#ax = fig.add_subplot(subplotlen, subplotlen, i+1) #ax.imshow(self.density[:,:,i], vmin=0, vmax=1.1, interpolation='nearest', #ax.set_title('z=%d'%i, color='white', position=(0.85,0.))
[docs] def showLogIntensity(self, inSection=0): """ ATTENTION: Untested! Show a particular intensities section of Fourier intensities. Sections range from -qmax to qmax. """ plotSection = inSection if(plotSection<=0): plotSection += self.qmax
#fig = plt.figure(figsize=(13.9,9.5)) #ax = fig.add_subplot(111) #ax.set_title("log(intensities) of section q=%d"%plotSection) #self.currPlot = plt.imshow(numpy.log(self.intensities[:,:,plotSection]), interpolation='nearest') #self.colorbar = plt.colorbar(self.currPlot, pad=0.02)
[docs] def showLogIntensitySlices(self): """ ATTENTION: Untested! Shows Fourier intensities as an array of sequential, equal-sized 2D sections. Maximum intensities set to logarithm of maximum intensity in 3D Fourier volume. """ subplotlen = int(numpy.ceil(numpy.sqrt(len(self.intensities)))) maxLogIntens = numpy.log(self.intensities.max()) minLogIntens = numpy.log(self.intensities.min()) #fig = plt.figure(figsize=(13.5, 9.5)) for i in range(len(self.intensities)): pass
#ax = fig.add_subplot(subplotlen, subplotlen, i+1) #ax.imshow(numpy.log(self.intensities[:,:,i]+1.E-7), vmin=minLogIntens, vmax=maxLogIntens, interpolation='nearest') #ax.set_xticks(()) #ax.set_yticks(()) #ax.set_title('%d'%(i-self.qmax), color='white', position=(0.85,0.))
[docs] def writeSupportToFile(self, filename="support.dat"): """ Write the support range to a file. ATTENTION: Untested! :param filename: Path to file. :type filename: str """ header = "%d\t%d\n" % (self.qmax, len(self.supportPositions)) with open(filename, 'w') as f: f.write(header) for i in self.supportPositions: text = "%d\t%d\t%d\n" % (i[0], i[1], i[2]) f.write(text) f.close()
[docs] def writeDensityToFile(self, filename="density.dat"): """ Write electron density to a file. ATTENTION: Untested! :param filename: Path to file. :type filename: str """ with open(filename, "w") as f: self.density.tofile(f, sep="\t") f.close()
[docs] def writeAllOuputToFile(self, supportFileName="support.dat", densityFileName="density.dat", detectorFileName="detector.dat", intensitiesFileName="intensity.dat"): """ ATTENTION: Untested! Convenience function for writing output :param supportFileName: Path to file for support data. :type supportFileName: str, default 'support.dat' :param densityFileName: Path to file for density data. :type densityFileName: str, default 'density.dat' :param detectorFileName: Path to file for detector data. :type detectorFileName: str, default 'detector.dat' :param intensitiesFileName: Path to file for intensities data. :type intensitiesFileName: str, default intensities.dat' """ self.writeSupportToFile(supportFileName) self.writeDensityToFile(densityFileName) self.writeDetectorToFile(detectorFileName) self.writeIntensitiesToFile(intensitiesFileName)