Source code for SimEx.Calculators.FEFFPhotonMatterInteractor

""" :module FEFFPhotonMatterInteractor: Holds the FEFFPhotonMatterInteractor class."""
#                                                                        #
# Copyright (C) 2015, 2016 Carsten Fortmann-Grote                        #
# Contact: Carsten Fortmann-Grote <>                #
#                                                                        #
# This file is part of simex_platform.                                   #
# simex_platform is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify #
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by   #
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or      #
# (at your option) any later version.                                    #
#                                                                        #
# simex_platform is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,      #
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of         #
# GNU General Public License for more details.                           #
#                                                                        #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License      #
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.  #
#                                                                        #

import h5py
import numpy
import os
import shutil
import stat
import subprocess
import tempfile

from distutils.spawn import find_executable

from SimEx.Calculators.AbstractPhotonInteractor import AbstractPhotonInteractor

[docs]class FEFFPhotonMatterInteractor(AbstractPhotonInteractor): """ :class FEFFPhotonMatterInteractor: Interface class for photon-matter interaction calculations using the FEFF code. """ def __init__(self, parameters=None, input_path=None, output_path=None): """ :param parameters: Parameters that govern the PMI calculation. :type parameters: FEFFPhotonMatterInteractorParameters :param input_path: Location of data needed by the PMI calculation. :type input_path: str :param output_path: Where to store the data generated by the PMI calculation. :type output_path: str """ # Handle default output_path if output_path is None: if not os.path.exists('pmi'): os.mkdir('pmi') if os.path.isfile( 'pmi' ): raise IOError( "A file named 'pmi' already exists, cowardly refusing to overwrite.") output_path = 'pmi/pmi_out_0000001.h5' # Initialize base class. super(FEFFPhotonMatterInteractor, self).__init__(parameters,input_path,output_path) self.__provided_data = [] self.__expected_data = ['/data/arrEhor', '/data/arrEver', '/params/Mesh/nSlices', '/params/Mesh/nx', '/params/Mesh/ny', '/params/Mesh/qxMax', '/params/Mesh/qxMin', '/params/Mesh/qyMax', '/params/Mesh/qyMin', '/params/Mesh/sliceMax', '/params/Mesh/sliceMin', '/params/Mesh/xMax', '/params/xMin', '/params/yMax', '/params/yMin', '/params/zCoord', '/params/beamline/printout', '/params/Rx', '/params/Ry', '/params/dRx', '/params/dRy', '/params/nval', '/params/photonEnergy', '/params/wDomain', '/params/wEFieldUnit', '/params/wFloatType', '/params/wSpace', '/params/xCentre', '/params/yCentre', '/info/package_version', '/info/contact', '/info/data_description', '/info/method_description', '/misc/xFWHM', '/misc/yFWHM', '/version', ]
[docs] def expectedData(self): """ Query for the data expected by the Interactor. """ return self.__expected_data
[docs] def providedData(self): """ Query for the data provided by the Interactor. """ return self.__provided_data
[docs] def backengine(self): """ This method drives the backengine code.""" # Setup the working directory. self._setupWorkingDirectory() # Setup path to executable. self.path_to_executable = find_executable('feff85L') # Copy executable. shutil.copy2(self.path_to_executable, self.working_directory) # Write parameter deck. with open( os.path.join( self.working_directory, 'feff.inp'), 'w' ) as deck: self.parameters._serialize( deck ) deck.close() # Execute the code. try: old_wd = os.getcwd() os.chdir( self.working_directory) command_line = 'feff85L' proc = subprocess.Popen( command_line, shell=True) proc.wait() # Return. os.chdir( old_wd ) except: os.chdir( old_wd ) return 1 # Setup data object. This will be a h5py File object residing purely in memory until closed, # at which moment it will be written to disk. self.__data = h5py.File(self.output_path, driver='core', backing_store=True, mode='w' ) # Read raw data files. atoms = numpy.loadtxt( os.path.join( self.working_directory, 'atoms.dat'), skiprows=2) xmu = numpy.loadtxt( os.path.join( self.working_directory, 'xmu.dat'), comments='#') chi = numpy.loadtxt( os.path.join( self.working_directory, 'chi.dat'), comments='#', usecols=(2,3)) # Setup tree and write data on the fly. self.__data.create_dataset('data/snp_0000001/r', data=atoms[:,:3]) #self.__data.create_dataset('data/snp_0000001/xyz', data=None) #self.__data.create_dataset('data/snp_0000001/Z', data=None) #self.__data.create_dataset('data/snp_0000001/T', data=None) self.__data.create_dataset('data/snp_0000001/E', data=xmu[:,0]) self.__data.create_dataset('data/snp_0000001/DeltaE', data=xmu[:,1]) self.__data.create_dataset('data/snp_0000001/k', data=xmu[:,2]) self.__data.create_dataset('data/snp_0000001/mu', data=xmu[:,3]) self.__data.create_dataset('data/snp_0000001/mu0', data=xmu[:,4]) self.__data.create_dataset('data/snp_0000001/chi', data=xmu[:,5]) self.__data.create_dataset('data/snp_0000001/ampl', data=chi[:,0]) self.__data.create_dataset('data/snp_0000001/phase', data=chi[:,1]) self.__data.create_dataset('data/snp_0000001/potential_index', data=atoms[:,3]) self.__data['data/snp_0000001/r'].attrs['unit'] = 'Angstrom' self.__data['data/snp_0000001/DeltaE'].attrs['unit'] = 'eV' self.__data['data/snp_0000001/E'].attrs['unit'] = 'eV' self.__data['data/snp_0000001/k'].attrs['unit'] = '1' self.__data['data/snp_0000001/mu'].attrs['unit'] = '1/Angstrom' self.__data['data/snp_0000001/mu0'].attrs['unit'] = '1/Angstrom' self.__data['data/snp_0000001/chi'].attrs['unit'] = '1' self.__data['data/snp_0000001/ampl'].attrs['unit'] = '1' self.__data['data/snp_0000001/phase'].attrs['unit'] = 'rad' self.__data['data/snp_0000001/potential_index'].attrs['unit'] = '1' #self.__data.create_dataset('misc/polarization_tensor', data=None) #self.__data.create_dataset('misc/evec', data=None) #self.__data.create_dataset('misc/xivec', data=None) #self.__data.create_dataset('misc/spvec', data=None) #self.__data.create_dataset('misc/nabs', data=None) #self.__data.create_dataset('misc/iphabs', data=None) #self.__data.create_dataset('misc/cf_average_data', data=None) #self.__data.create_dataset('misc/ipol', data=None) #self.__data.create_dataset('misc/ispin', data=None) #self.__data.create_dataset('misc/le2', data=None) #self.__data.create_dataset('misc/elpty', data=None) #self.__data.create_dataset('misc/angks', data=None) return 0
@property def data(self): """ Query for the field data. """ return self.__data @property def working_directory(self): """ Query the working directory """ return self.__working_directory @working_directory.setter def working_directory(self, value): """ Set the working directory to a value. """ if not isinstance( value, str ): raise TypeError( "working_directory must be a string (path)." ) if not os.path.isdir( value ): raise RuntimeError( "working_directory must be an existing directory (or link).") # All sane, set attribute. self.__working_directory = value @property def path_to_executable(self): """ Query the path to the feff executable. """ return self.__path_to_executable @path_to_executable.setter def path_to_executable(self, value): """ Set the path_to_executable to a value. """ # Check type. if not isinstance( value, str ): raise TypeError( "path_to_executable must be a string (path)." ) # Check is file. if not os.path.isfile( value ): raise RuntimeError( "path_to_executable must be an existing file (or link).") # Check is executable. if not stat.S_IXUSR & os.stat(value)[stat.ST_MODE]: raise RuntimeError( "path_to_executable must be executable by the user.") # All sane, set attribute. self.__path_to_executable = value def _readH5(self): """ """ """ Private method for reading the hdf5 input and extracting the parameters and data relevant to initialize the object. """ pass # Nothing to be done since IO happens in backengine.
[docs] def saveH5(self): """ """ """ Private method to save the object to a file. :param output_path: The file where to save the object's data. Default: self.output_path :type output_path: str """ # Get the handle to the data. data = self.__data data.create_dataset('info/contact', data='Carsten Fortmann-Grote <>') data.create_dataset('info/data_description', data='Absorption spectrum and associated data.') data.create_dataset('info/interface_version', data='1.0') data.create_dataset('info/credits', data='J. J. Rehr et al, "Ab initio theory and calculations of X-ray spectra", Comptes Rendus Physique _10_, 548 (2009). DOI:') data.create_dataset('info/package_version', data='FEFF8.5L') data.create_dataset('params/edge', data=self.parameters.edge) data.create_dataset('params/amplitude_reduction_factor', data=self.parameters.amplitude_reduction_factor) data.create_dataset('params/effective_path_distance', data=self.parameters.effective_path_distance) data['params/amplitude_reduction_factor'].attrs['unit'] = '1' data['params/edge'].attrs['unit'] = '' data['params/effective_path_distance'].attrs['unit'] = 'Angstrom' # Close the dataset, this writes the data to disk. data.close()
def _setupWorkingDirectory(self): """ Create a temporary directory where to execute the calculation. """ self.working_directory = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='tmp_feff')