""" :module EstherPhotonMatterInteractorParameters: Hosting the parameter class for the EstherPhotonMatterInteractor."""
# #
# Copyright (C) 2016, 2017 Richard Briggs, Carsten Fortmann-Grote #
# Contact: Carsten Fortmann-Grote <carsten.grote@xfel.eu> #
# #
# This file is part of simex_platform. #
# simex_platform is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify #
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or #
# (at your option) any later version. #
# #
# simex_platform is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #
# GNU General Public License for more details. #
# #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. #
# #
import numpy
import os
import tempfile
import json
from SimEx.Parameters.AbstractCalculatorParameters import AbstractCalculatorParameters
ESTHER_MATERIAL_DICT = { "Aluminium" : {"name" : "Aluminium",
"shortname" : "Al#",
"eos_name" : "Al#_e_ses",
"mass_density" : 2.7,
"CH" : {"name" : "CH",
"shortname" : "CH2",
"eos_name" : "CH2_e_ses",
"mass_density" : 1.044,
"Diamond" : {"name" : "Diamond",
"shortname" : "Dia",
"eos_name" : "Dia_e_ses",
"mass_density" : 3.51,
"Kapton" : {"name" : "Kapton",
"shortname" : "Kap",
"eos_name" : "Kap_e_ses",
"mass_density" : 1.42,
"Molybdenum" : {"name" : "Mo",
"shortname" : "Mo#",
"eos_name" : "Mo#_e_ses",
"mass_density" : 10.2,
"Gold" : {"name" : "Gold",
"shortname" : "Au#",
"eos_name" : "Au#_e_ses",
"mass_density" : 19.3,
"Iron" : {"name" : "Iron",
"shortname" : "Fe#",
"eos_name" : "Fe#_e_ses",
"mass_density" : 7.85,
"Copper" : {"name" : "Copper",
"shortname" : "Cu#",
"eos_name" : "Cu#_e_ses",
"mass_density" : 8.93,
"Tin" : {"name" : "Tin",
"shortname" : "Sn#",
"eos_name" : "Sn#_e_ses",
"mass_density" : 7.31,
"LiF" : {"name" : "Lithium Fluoride",
"shortname" : "LiF",
"eos_name" : "LiF_e_ses",
"mass_density" : 2.64,
"Titanium" : {"name" : "Titanium",
"shortname" : "Ti#",
"eos_name" : "Ti#_e_ses",
"mass_density" : 4.43,
"Berylium" : {"name" : "Berylium",
"shortname" : "Be#",
"eos_name" : "Be#_e_ses",
"mass_density" : 1.85,
"Cobalt" : {"name" : "Cobalt",
"shortname" : "Co#",
"eos_name" : "Co#_e_ses",
"mass_density" : 8.9,
"Chromium" : {"name" : "Chromium",
"shortname" : "Cr#",
"eos_name" : "Cr#_e_ses",
"mass_density" : 7.19,
"Iron2" : {"name" : "Iron2",
"shortname" : "Fe2",
"eos_name" : "Fe2_e_ses",
"mass_density" : 7.87,
"Water" : {"name" : "Water",
"shortname" : "H2O",
"eos_name" : "H20_e_ses",
"mass_density" : 1.0,
"Magnesium" : {"name" : "Magnesium",
"shortname" : "Mg#",
"eos_name" : "Mg#_e_ses",
"mass_density" : 1.74,
"Mylar" : {"name" : "Mylar",
"shortname" : "Myl",
"eos_name" : "Myl_e_ses",
"mass_density" : 1.38,
"Nickel" : {"name" : "Nickel",
"shortname" : "Ni#",
"eos_name" : "Ni#_e_ses",
"mass_density" : 8.9,
"Lead" : {"name" : "Lead",
"shortname" : "Pb#",
"eos_name" : "Pb#_e_ses",
"mass_density" : 11.35,
"Quartz" : {"name" : "Quartz",
"shortname" : "Qua",
"eos_name" : "Qua_e_ses",
"mass_density" : 2.65,
"Silicon" : {"name" : "Silicon",
"shortname" : "Si#",
"eos_name" : "Si#_e_ses",
"mass_density" : 2.33,
"SiliconOxide" : {"name" : "SiliconOxide",
"shortname" : "SiO",
"eos_name" : "SiO_e_ses",
"mass_density" : 2.65,
"Titanium" : {"name" : "Titanium",
"shortname" : "Ti#",
"eos_name" : "Ti#_e_ses",
"mass_density" : 4.54,
"Vanadium" : {"name" : "Vanadium",
"shortname" : "Va#",
"eos_name" : "Va#_e_ses",
"mass_density" : 6.11,
"Tungsten" : {"name" : "Tungsten",
"shortname" : "W##",
"eos_name" : "W##_e_ses",
"mass_density" : 19.35,
"Silver" : {"name" : "Silver",
"shortname" : "Ag#",
"eos_name" : "Ag#_e_ses",
"mass_density" : 10.5,
[docs]class EstherPhotonMatterInteractorParameters(AbstractCalculatorParameters):
:class EstherPhotonMatterInteractorParameters: representing parameters for the Esthe Hydrocode Calculator.
def __init__(self,
:param ablator: The ablating material ( "Al" | "CH" | "Diamond" | "Kapton" | "Mylar" )
:type ablator: str
:param ablator_thickness: The ablator thickness (micrometers)
:type ablator_thickness:
:param sample: The sample material (from list of materials)
:type sample: str
:param sample_thickness: The sample thickness (micrometers)
:type sample_thickness: float
:param layer1: The layer1 material (from list of materials)
:type layer1: str
:param layer2: The layer2 material (from list of materials)
:type layer2: str
:param window: The window material (LiF | SiO2 | Diamond)
:type window: str
:param window_thickness: The window thickness, if using window (micrometers)
:type window_thickness: float
:param laser_pulse: Pulse type ("flat" | "ramp" | "other")
:type laser_pulse: str
:param laser_pulse_duration: Pulse duration of the pump laser (ns)
:type laser_pulse_duration: float
:param laser_wavelength: Laser wavelength (nm)
:type laser_wavelength: float
:param laser_intensity: Laser intensity (TW/cm2)
:type laser_intensity: float
:param run_time: Simulation run time (ns)
:type run_time: float
:param delta_time: Time steps resolution (ns)
:type delta_time: float
:param force_passage: Expert option to force passage of simulation through minor errors
:type force_passage: boolean
:param without_therm_conduc: Expert option to use without thermal conductivity options
:type without_therm_conduc: boolean
:param rad_transfer: Expert option to use radiative transfer
:type rad_transfer: boolean
# If parameters already exist, read from parameters file
if read_from_file is not None:
print(( "Parameters file is located here: %s" % (read_from_file)))
# Update parameters from arguments.
for key,val in list({
if val is not None:
setattr(self, key, val)
# Check and set all parameters
self.__number_of_layers = checkAndSetNumberOfLayers(number_of_layers)
self.__ablator = checkAndSetAblator(ablator)
self.__ablator_thickness = checkAndSetAblatorThickness(ablator_thickness)
self.__sample = checkAndSetSample(sample)
self.__sample_thickness = checkAndSetSampleThickness(sample_thickness)
self.__layer1 = checkAndSetLayer1(layer1)
self.__layer1_thickness = checkAndSetLayer1Thickness(layer1_thickness)
self.__layer2 = checkAndSetLayer2(layer2)
self.__layer2_thickness = checkAndSetLayer2Thickness(layer2_thickness)
self.__window = checkAndSetWindow(window)
self.__window_thickness = checkAndSetWindowThickness(window_thickness)
self.__laser_wavelength = checkAndSetLaserWavelength(laser_wavelength)
self.__laser_pulse = checkAndSetLaserPulse(laser_pulse)
self.__laser_pulse_duration = checkAndSetLaserPulseDuration(laser_pulse_duration)
self.__laser_intensity = checkAndSetLaserIntensity(laser_intensity)
self.__run_time = checkAndSetRunTime(run_time)
self.__delta_time = checkAndSetDeltaTime(delta_time)
self.force_passage = force_passage
self.without_therm_conduc = without_therm_conduc
self.rad_transfer = rad_transfer
# Define start up options (called Demmarage in esther)
# Expert mode: Choose EOS type, SESAME or BLF
# Expert mode: Setup zone feathering (spatial resolution)
# Set state to not-initialized (e.g. input deck is not written)
self.__is_initialized = False
def _readParametersFromFile(self,path):
# Read from parameters file
json_path = os.path.join(path, 'parameters.json')
print(( "Parameters file is: %s" % (json_path)))
with open(json_path, 'r') as j:
dictionary = json.load(j)
self.__dict__ = dictionary
def _setDemmargeFlags(self):
# Expert users options to include in the start up options
self.__use_usi = "USI" # Use SI units.
self.__use_force_passage = "FORCER_LE_PASSAGE" # Forces simulation through ignoring minor issues
self.__use_without_therm_conduc = "SANS_COND_THERMIQUE" # Run without thermal conducivity
self.__use_radiative_transfer = "TRANSFERT_RADIATIF" # Run with radiative transfer
def _setupFeathering(self, number_of_zones=250, feather_zone_width=4.0, minimum_zone_width=4e-4):
""" Method to fix feathering
:param number_of_zones: The number of zones in the first ablator section (default 200).
:type number_of_zones: int
:param feather_zone_width: Width of feather zone (default 5.0 [microns]).
:type feather_zone_width: float
:param minimum_zone_width: Minimal zone width (default 2e-4 [microns]).
:type minimum_zone_width: float
# Determine the correct zone feathering for ablator
n = number_of_zones
feather_list=numpy.zeros(n+1) # Create list of n zones
feather_list[0]=1. # First zone is 1
feather_list[-1]=-feather_list[-2] - 1.
# Find roots in polynomial over the feather list
f = numpy.poly1d(feather_list)
roots = numpy.roots(f)
root_found = False
# Get all purely real roots above 1.
for i in range(n):
if roots[i].imag == 0 and roots[i].real > 1.000001: # Why not > 1.? This would exclude 1.0f
r = round(roots[i].real,4)
root_found = True
if root_found == False:
raise RuntimeError( "No ratio bigger than 1.000001 was found.")
# Store feather information on object.
self._feather_zone_width = feather_zone_width
self._minimum_zone_width = minimum_zone_width
self._final_feather_zone_width = round(minimum_zone_width*(r**n),4)
self._non_feather_zone_width = self.ablator_thickness-feather_zone_width
self._non_feather_zones = int(self._non_feather_zone_width/(minimum_zone_width*(r**n)))
self._mass_of_zone = self._final_feather_zone_width*ESTHER_MATERIAL_DICT[self.ablator]["mass_density"]
width_of_sample_zone = self._mass_of_zone/ESTHER_MATERIAL_DICT[self.sample]["mass_density"]
print(("Final feather zone width: ", self._final_feather_zone_width))
print(("Mass of zone: ", self._mass_of_zone))
print(("Number of non-feathered zones: ", self._non_feather_zones))
if self.layer1 is not None:
width_of_layer1_zone = self._mass_of_zone/ESTHER_MATERIAL_DICT[self.layer1]["mass_density"]
if self.layer2 is not None:
width_of_layer2_zone = self._mass_of_zone/ESTHER_MATERIAL_DICT[self.layer2]["mass_density"]
if self.window is not None:
width_of_window_zone = self._mass_of_zone/ESTHER_MATERIAL_DICT[self.window]["mass_density"]
def _serialize(self, path=None, filename=None):
""" Write the input deck for the Esther hydrocode. """
# Make a temporary directory or use existing path and filename
self._esther_files_path = path
self._esther_filename = filename
if path is None:
self._esther_files_path = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='esther_')
if filename is None:
# Write the input file
input_deck_path = os.path.join( self._esther_files_path, self._esther_filename+'.txt')
print(("Writing input deck to ", input_deck_path, "."))
# Write json file of this parameter class instance.
json_path = os.path.join( self._esther_files_path, 'parameters.json')
with open( json_path, 'w') as j:
json.dump( self.__dict__, j)
# Write the file.
with open(input_deck_path, 'w') as input_deck:
input_deck.write('DEMARRAGE,%s\n' % (self.__use_usi))
if self.force_passage is True:
input_deck.write('%s\n' % (self.__use_force_passage)) # Use force passage
if self.without_therm_conduc is True:
input_deck.write('%s\n' % (self.__use_without_therm_conduc)) # Use without thermal conductivity option
if self.rad_transfer is True:
input_deck.write('%s\n' % (self.__use_radiative_transfer)) # Use without thermal conductivity option
# If using a window, write the window layer here
if self.window is not None:
input_deck.write('- %.1f um %s layer\n' % (self.window_thickness, self.window))
input_deck.write('NOM_MILIEU=%s\n' % (ESTHER_MATERIAL_DICT[self.window]["shortname"]))
input_deck.write('EQUATION_ETAT=%s\n' % (ESTHER_MATERIAL_DICT[self.window]["eos_name"]))
input_deck.write('EPAISSEUR_MILIEU=%.1fe-6\n' % (self.window_thickness))
# Calculate number of zones in window
input_deck.write('NOMBRE_MAILLES=%d\n' % (self.__number_of_window_zones))
# If using 4 layers (ablator, layer1, sample, layer2)
if self.number_of_layers == 4:
input_deck.write('- %.1f um %s layer\n' % (self.layer2_thickness, self.layer2))
input_deck.write('NOM_MILIEU=%s_2\n' % (ESTHER_MATERIAL_DICT[self.layer2]["shortname"]))
input_deck.write('EQUATION_ETAT=%s\n' % (ESTHER_MATERIAL_DICT[self.layer2]["eos_name"]))
input_deck.write('EPAISSEUR_MILIEU=%.1fe-6\n' % (self.layer2_thickness))
# Calculate number of zones
input_deck.write('NOMBRE_MAILLES=%d\n' % (self.__number_of_layer2_zones))
input_deck.write('- %.1f um %s layer\n' % (self.sample_thickness, self.sample))
input_deck.write('NOM_MILIEU=%s_2\n' % (ESTHER_MATERIAL_DICT[self.sample]["shortname"]))
input_deck.write('EQUATION_ETAT=%s\n' % (ESTHER_MATERIAL_DICT[self.sample]["eos_name"]))
if self.window is None:
input_deck.write('EPAISSEUR_MILIEU=%.1fe-6\n' % (self.sample_thickness))
# Calculate number of zones
input_deck.write('NOMBRE_MAILLES=%d\n' % (self.__number_of_sample_zones))
# If using 3 layers (ablator, layer1, sample)
if self.number_of_layers == 3:
input_deck.write('- %.1f um %s layer\n' % (self.layer1_thickness, self.layer1))
input_deck.write('NOM_MILIEU=%s_2\n' % (ESTHER_MATERIAL_DICT[self.layer1]["shortname"]))
input_deck.write('EQUATION_ETAT=%s\n' % (ESTHER_MATERIAL_DICT[self.layer1]["eos_name"]))
input_deck.write('EPAISSEUR_MILIEU=%.1fe-6\n' % (self.layer1_thickness))
# Calculate number of zones
input_deck.write('NOMBRE_MAILLES=%d\n' % (self.__number_of_layer1_zones))
# Write ablator
input_deck.write('- %.1f um %s layer\n' % (self.ablator_thickness, self.ablator))
input_deck.write('NOM_MILIEU=%s_abl1\n' % (ESTHER_MATERIAL_DICT[self.ablator]["shortname"])) # 1st PART OF ABLATOR
input_deck.write('EQUATION_ETAT=%s\n' % (ESTHER_MATERIAL_DICT[self.ablator]["eos_name"]))# ABLATOR EOS
# if only simulating ablator layer, then must include empty (VIDE) layer
if self.number_of_layers == 1:
input_deck.write('EPAISSEUR_MILIEU=%.1fe-6\n' % (self._non_feather_zone_width)) # Non-feather thickness
input_deck.write('NOMBRE_MAILLES=%d\n' % (self._non_feather_zones)) # Number of zones
input_deck.write('MECANIQUE_RAM\n') # Needs to be an option to use this.
input_deck.write('NOM_MILIEU=%s_abl2\n' % (ESTHER_MATERIAL_DICT[self.ablator]["shortname"])) # 2nd PART OF ABLATOR
input_deck.write('EQUATION_ETAT=%s\n' % (ESTHER_MATERIAL_DICT[self.ablator]["eos_name"])) # ABLATOR EOS
input_deck.write('EPAISSEUR_MILIEU=%.1fe-6\n' % (self._feather_zone_width)) # Feather thickness
input_deck.write('EPAISSEUR_INTERNE=%.3fe-6\n' % (self._final_feather_zone_width)) # Feather final zone width
input_deck.write('EPAISSEUR_EXTERNE=4.0e-10\n') #Min zone width
input_deck.write('MECANIQUE_RAM\n') # Needs to be an option to use this.
# TO DO: GIT ISSUE #96: Expert mode
# Internal parameters to add to input flags
# Laser parameters
# TO DO: GIT ISSUE #96: Expert mode
input_deck.write('DEPOT_ENERGIE,LASER,DEPOT_HELMHOLTZ\n') # Expert mode option
input_deck.write('LONGUEUR_ONDE_LASER=%.3fe-6\n' % (self.laser_wavelength))
input_deck.write('DUREE_IMPULSION=%.2fe-9\n' % (self.laser_pulse_duration))
input_deck.write('INTENSITE_IMPUL_MAX=%.3fe16\n' % (self.laser_intensity))
input_deck.write('TEMPS_IMPUL_TABULE=0.0e-9,INTENSITE_TABULEE=0.\n') # These need to change for approrpriate laser designs.
# Output parameters
input_deck.write('BORNE_TEMPS=%.2fe-9\n' % (self.run_time))
input_deck.write('INCREMENT_TEMPS=%.2fe-9\n' % (self.delta_time))
# End of input file
input_deck.write('TEMPS_ARRET=%.2fe-9\n' % (self.run_time))
# Write the laser input file
laser_input_deck_path = os.path.join( self._esther_files_path, self._esther_filename+'_intensite_impulsion.txt')
print(("Writing laser input deck to ", laser_input_deck_path, "."))
# Write the parameters file (_intensitie_impulsion)
with open(laser_input_deck_path, 'w') as laser_input_deck:
if self.laser_pulse == "flat":
# Write flat top pulse shape to file
laser_input_deck.write('temps (s ou u.a.) intensite (W/m2 ou u.a.)\n')
laser_input_deck.write('0. \t 0\n')
laser_input_deck.write('0.1e-9\t%.3f\n' % (self.laser_intensity))
laser_input_deck.write('%.2fe-9\t%.3f\n' % (self.laser_pulse_duration-0.1, self.laser_intensity))
laser_input_deck.write('%.2fe-9\t0.0\n' % (self.laser_pulse_duration))
elif self.laser_pulse == "ramp":
# Write ramp pulse shape to file
x = numpy.arange(0.,self.laser_pulse_duration+1.0,1)
y = x**3
y = y/numpy.amax(y)
Number_lines = len(x)
x[Number_lines-1]=self.laser_pulse_duration-0.1 # Set the max intensity at 100 ps before final pulse time
laser_input_deck.write('%d\n' % (Number_lines+1)) # Number of lines to add in pulse shape
laser_input_deck.write('temps (s ou u.a.) intensite (W/m2 ou u.a.)\n')
for i in range(0,Number_lines):
laser_input_deck.write('%.2fe-9\t%0.3f\n' % (x[i],y[i]*self.laser_intensity))
laser_input_deck.write('%.2fe-9\t0.0\n' % (self.laser_pulse_duration))
# Use a default Gaussian? or quit?
# TO DO: GIT ISSUE #96: Expert mode: User defined pulse shape?
print ("No default laser chosen?")
def number_of_layers(self):
""" Query for the number of layers. """
return self.__number_of_layers
def number_of_layers(self, value):
""" Set the number of layers to the value. """
self.__number_of_layers = checkAndSetNumberOfLayers(value)
def ablator(self):
""" Query for the ablator type. """
return self.__ablator
def ablator(self, value):
""" Set the ablator to the value. """
self.__ablator = checkAndSetAblator(value)
def ablator_thickness(self):
""" Query for the ablator thickness. """
return self.__ablator_thickness
def ablator_thickness(self, value):
""" Set the ablator thickness to the value. """
self.__ablator_thickness = checkAndSetAblatorThickness(value)
def sample(self):
""" Query for the sample type. """
return self.__sample
def sample(self, value):
""" Set the sample type to the value. """
self.__sample = checkAndSetSample(value)
def sample_thickness(self):
""" Query for the sample thickness type. """
return self.__sample_thickness
def sample_thickness(self, value):
""" Set the sample thickness to the value. """
self.__sample_thickness = checkAndSetSampleThickness(value)
def layer1(self):
""" Query for the layer1 type. """
return self.__layer1
def layer1(self, value):
""" Set the layer1 type to the value. """
self.__layer1 = checkAndSetLayer1(value)
def layer1_thickness(self):
""" Query for the layer1 thickness type. """
return self.__layer1_thickness
def layer1_thickness(self, value):
""" Set the layer1 thickness to the value. """
self.__layer1_thickness = checkAndSetLayer1Thickness(value)
def layer2(self):
""" Query for the layer2 type. """
return self.__layer2
def layer2(self, value):
""" Set the layer2 type to the value. """
self.__layer2 = checkAndSetLayer2(value)
def layer2_thickness(self):
""" Query for the layer2 thickness type. """
return self.__layer2_thickness
def layer2_thickness(self, value):
""" Set the layer2 thickness to the value. """
self.__layer2_thickness = checkAndSetLayer2Thickness(value)
def window(self):
""" Query for the window type. """
return self.__window
def window(self, value):
""" Set the window to the value. """
self.__window = checkAndSetWindow(value)
def window_thickness(self):
""" Query for the window thickness type. """
return self.__window_thickness
def window_thickness(self, value):
""" Set the window thickness to the value. """
self.__window_thickness = checkAndSetWindowThickness(value)
def laser_wavelength(self):
""" Query for the laser wavelength type. """
return self.__laser_wavelength
def laser_wavelength(self, value):
""" Set the laser wavelength to the value. """
self.__laser_wavelength = checkAndSetLaserWavelength(value)
def laser_pulse(self):
"""Query for laser pulse type"""
return self.__laser_pulse
def laser_pulse(self,value):
""" Set the laser pulse to type value """
self.__laser_pulse = checkAndSetLaserPulse(value)
def laser_pulse_duration(self):
""" Query for laser pulse duration """
return self.__laser_pulse_duration
def laser_pulse_duration(self,value):
""" Set laser pulse duration """
self.__laser_pulse_duration = checkAndSetLaserPulseDuration(value)
def laser_intensity(self):
""" Query for laser intensity """
return self.__laser_intensity
def laser_intensity(self,value):
""" Set laser intensity """
self.__laser_intensity = checkAndSetLaserIntensity(value)
def run_time(self):
""" Query for simulation run time """
return self.__run_time
def run_time(self,value):
""" Set simulation run time """
self.__run_time = checkAndSetRunTime(value)
def delta_time(self):
""" Query for simulation time resolution (delta t ns) """
return self.__delta_time
def delta_time(self,value):
""" Set simulation time resolution delta t, ns"""
self.__delta_time = checkAndSetDeltaTime(value)
def _setDefaults(self):
""" Method to pick sensible defaults for all parameters. """
def checkConsistency(self):
if self.window is not None:
if self.window_thickness == 0.0:
raise ValueError( "Window thickness cannot be 0.0")
# Check and set functions #
# Material check and set functions
[docs]def checkAndSetNumberOfLayers(number_of_layers):
Utility to check if the number of layers is reasonable.
:param number_of_layers: The number of layers to check
:return: Checked number of layers
:raise ValueError: not (1 < number_of_layers <= 4 )
if number_of_layers is None:
raise RuntimeError( "Number of layers is not defined.")
if not isinstance( number_of_layers, int ):
raise TypeError("The parameter 'number_of_layers' must be an int.")
if number_of_layers <1 or number_of_layers > 4:
raise ValueError( "Number of layers must be between 1 and 4 only.")
return number_of_layers
[docs]def checkAndSetAblator(ablator):
Utility to check if the ablator exists in the EOS database.
:param ablator: The ablator material to check.
:return: The ablator choice after being checked.
:raise ValueError: ablator not in ["CH", "Al", "Diamond", "Mylar", "Kapton"].
if ablator is None:
raise RuntimeError( "The parameter 'ablator' is not defined.")
# Check type.
if not isinstance( ablator, str):
raise TypeError("The parameters 'ablator' must be a str.")
### Could check if isinstance(ablator, str)
if ablator == 'CH':
print ( "Setting CH as ablator.")
elif ablator.lower() in ['al', 'aluminium']:
print ( "Setting Al as ablator.")
elif ablator.lower() in ['dia', 'diamond']:
print ( "Setting diamond as ablator.")
elif ablator.lower() in ['mylar', 'myl']:
print ( "Setting mylar as ablator.")
elif ablator.lower() in ['kap', 'kapton']:
print ( "Setting Kapton as ablator.")
raise ValueError( "Ablator is not valid. Use 'CH', 'Al', 'dia', 'Myl', or 'Kap' as ablator.")
return ablator
[docs]def checkAndSetAblatorThickness(ablator_thickness):
Utility to check that the ablator thickness is > 5 um and < 100 um
# Raise if not set.
if ablator_thickness is None:
raise RuntimeError( "Ablator thickness not specified.")
# Check type.
if not isinstance( ablator_thickness, (int, float)):
raise TypeError("The parameters 'ablator_thickness' must be of numeric type (int or float).")
# Check if ablator is between 5 and 100 um
if ablator_thickness < 5.0 or ablator_thickness > 100.0:
raise ValueError( "Ablator must be between 5.0 and 100.0 microns")
print(( "Ablator thickness is %4.1f " % ablator_thickness))
return ablator_thickness
[docs]def checkAndSetSample(sample):
Utility to check if the sample is in the list of known EOS materials
elements = [ "Aluminium", "Gold", "Carbon", "CH", "Cobalt", "Copper", "Diamond",
"Iron", "Molybdenum", "Nickel", "Lead", "Silicon", "Tin", "Tantalum",
"Berylium", "Chromium", "Iron2", "Kapton", "LiF", "Magnesium", "Mylar",
"Quartz", "SiliconOxide", "Silver", "Titanium", "Vanadium", "Water" ]
# Set default
if sample is None:
raise RuntimeError( "sample not specified.")
if not isinstance(sample, str): raise TypeError("The parameter 'sample' must be a str.")
# Check each element
if sample in elements:
raise ValueError( "sample is not in list of known EOS materials")
return sample
[docs]def checkAndSetSampleThickness(sample_thickness):
Utility to check that the sample thickness is in permitted range set by Esther.
# Raise if not set.
if sample_thickness is None:
raise RuntimeError( "Sample thickness not specified.")
# Check type.
if not isinstance( sample_thickness, (int, float)):
raise TypeError("The parameters 'sample_thickness' must be of numeric type (int or float).")
# Check if sample is between 1 and 200 um
if sample_thickness < 1.0 or sample_thickness > 200.0:
raise ValueError( "Ablator must be between 1.0 and 200.0 microns")
return sample_thickness
[docs]def checkAndSetLayer1(layer1):
Utility to check if the layer1 is in the list of known EOS materials
elements = [ "Aluminium", "Gold", "Carbon", "CH", "Cobalt", "Copper", "Diamond",
"Iron", "Molybdenum", "Nickel", "Lead", "Silicon", "Tin", "Tantalum",
"Berylium", "Chromium", "Iron2", "Kapton", "LiF", "Magnesium", "Mylar",
"Quartz", "SiliconOxide", "Silver", "Titanium", "Vanadium", "Water" ]
# Set default
if layer1 is None:
print ( "Running simulation without layer1 material")
return None
if not isinstance(layer1, str): raise TypeError("The parameter 'layer1' must be a str.")
# Check each element
if layer1 in elements:
raise ValueError( "layer1 is not in list of known EOS materials")
return layer1
[docs]def checkAndSetLayer1Thickness(layer1_thickness):
Utility to check that the layer1 thickness is in permitted range set by Esther.
# Set default
if layer1_thickness is None:
return 0.0
# Check if number.
if not isinstance( layer1_thickness, (float, int)):
raise TypeError( "The parameter 'layer1_thickness' must be a numerical type (float or int.)")
# Check if layer1 is between 1 and 100 um
if layer1_thickness < 1.0 or layer1_thickness > 200.0:
raise ValueError( "layer1 must be between 1.0 and 200.0 microns")
return layer1_thickness
[docs]def checkAndSetLayer2(layer2):
Utility to check if the layer2 is in the list of known EOS materials
elements = [ "Aluminium", "Gold", "Carbon", "CH", "Cobalt", "Copper", "Diamond",
"Iron", "Molybdenum", "Nickel", "Lead", "Silicon", "Tin", "Tantalum",
"Berylium", "Chromium", "Iron2", "Kapton", "LiF", "Magnesium", "Mylar",
"Quartz", "SiliconOxide", "Silver", "Titanium", "Vanadium", "Water" ]
# Set default
if layer2 is None:
print ( "Running simulation without layer2 material")
return None
if not isinstance(layer2, str): raise TypeError("The parameter 'layer2' must be a str.")
# Check each element
if layer2 in elements:
raise ValueError( "layer2 is not in list of known EOS materials")
return layer2
[docs]def checkAndSetLayer2Thickness(layer2_thickness):
Utility to check that the layer2 thickness is in permitted range set by Esther.
# Set default
if layer2_thickness is None:
return 0.0
# Check if number.
if not isinstance( layer2_thickness, (float, int)):
raise TypeError( "The parameter 'layer2_thickness' must be a numerical type (float or int.)")
# Check if layer2 is between 1 and 100 um
if layer2_thickness < 1.0 or layer2_thickness > 200.0:
raise ValueError( "layer2 must be between 1.0 and 200.0 microns")
return layer2_thickness
[docs]def checkAndSetWindow(window):
Utility to check that the window exists in the EOS database.
elements = ["LiF", "SiO2", "Diamond", "Quartz" ]
if window is None:
print ( "Running simulation without window material")
return None
if not isinstance( window, str):
raise TypeError("The parameter 'window' must be a str.")
# Check each element
if window not in elements:
raise ValueError( "window is not in list of known EOS materials")
return window
[docs]def checkAndSetWindowThickness(window_thickness):
Utility to check that the window thickness is > 1 um and < 500 um
# Set default
if window_thickness is None:
return 0.0
# Check if number.
if not isinstance( window_thickness, (float, int)):
raise TypeError( "The parameter 'window_thickness' must be a numerical type (float or int.)")
# Check if ablator is between 1 and 100 um
if window_thickness == 0.0:
elif window_thickness < 1.0 or window_thickness > 500.0:
raise ValueError( "Window must be between 1.0 and 500.0 microns")
return window_thickness
[docs]def checkAndSetLaserWavelength(laser_wavelength):
Utility to check that the laser wavelength is correct.
if laser_wavelength is None:
raise RuntimeError( "Laser wavelength is not defined")
# Check if number.
if not isinstance( laser_wavelength, (float, int)):
raise TypeError( "The parameter 'laser_wavelength' must be a numerical type (float or int.)")
if laser_wavelength <= 300 or laser_wavelength > 1200:
raise ValueError( "laser wavelength must be between 300 and 1200 nm")
# Convert to microns.
laser_wavelength = laser_wavelength*1e-3
print(("Laser wavelength = %.3fe-6" % (laser_wavelength)))
return laser_wavelength
[docs]def checkAndSetLaserPulse(laser_pulse):
Utility to check that the laser pulse type is correct.
if laser_pulse is None:
raise RuntimeError( "Laser pulse type has not been chosen")
pulse_shapes = ["flat","quasiflat","ramp"]
# Check if str.
if not isinstance(laser_pulse, str):
raise TypeError("The parameter 'laser_pulse' must be a str.")
# Check if pulseshape exists
if laser_pulse in pulse_shapes:
raise ValueError( "Laser pulse shape is not in specified list.")
return laser_pulse
[docs]def checkAndSetLaserPulseDuration(laser_pulse_duration):
Utility to check that the laser pulse duration is valid.
if laser_pulse_duration is None:
raise RuntimeError( "Laser pulse duration has not been set")
# Check if number.
if not isinstance( laser_pulse_duration, (float, int)):
raise TypeError( "The parameter 'laser_pulse_duration' must be a numerical type (float or int.)")
if laser_pulse_duration < 1.0 or laser_pulse_duration > 50.0:
raise ValueError( "Laser pulse must be between 1.0 and 50.0 ns")
return laser_pulse_duration
[docs]def checkAndSetLaserIntensity(laser_intensity):
Utility to check that the laser intensity is valid.
if laser_intensity is None:
raise RuntimeError( "Laser intensity has not been set")
# Check if number.
if not isinstance( laser_intensity, (float, int)):
raise TypeError( "The parameter 'laser_intensity' must be a numerical type (float or int.)")
# TODO: Check these for more realistic limits of TW/cm**2
if laser_intensity < 0.001 or laser_intensity > 100.0:
raise ValueError( "Laser pulse must be between 1.0 and 50.0 ns")
return laser_intensity
[docs]def checkAndSetRunTime(run_time):
Utility for checking the simulation run time is valid
if run_time is None:
raise RuntimeError( "Simulation run time is not set")
# TODO: Check run times
if run_time < 1.0 or run_time > 50.0:
raise ValueError( "Simulation run time should be > 5.0 ns and < 50.0 ns")
return run_time
[docs]def checkAndSetDeltaTime(delta_time):
Utility for checking the simulation delta time (resolution) is valid
if delta_time is None:
raise RuntimeError( "Simulation delta time (time resolution) is not set")
if delta_time < 0.001 or delta_time > 0.5:
raise ValueError( "Simulation delta time should be > 10 ps and < 500 ps")
return delta_time