""" :module: Holds the FEFFPhotonMatterInteractorParameters class."""
# #
# Copyright (C) 2015 - 2018 Carsten Fortmann-Grote #
# Contact: Carsten Fortmann-Grote <carsten.grote@xfel.eu> #
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# This file is part of simex_platform. #
# simex_platform is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify #
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import sys
from SimEx.Parameters.AbstractCalculatorParameters import AbstractCalculatorParameters
from SimEx.Utilities.Utilities import ALL_ELEMENTS
[docs]class FEFFPhotonMatterInteractorParameters(AbstractCalculatorParameters):
:class FEFFPhotonMatterInteractorParameters: Interface class for photon-matter interaction calculations using the FEFF code.
def __init__(self,
:param atoms: The atomic structure (Atom coordinates ([x,y,z] in Angstrom), element symbol, and potential index). If no potential index is given, all atoms of the same species will be assigned the default potential. The scattering atom must have the potential index 0.
:type atoms: list || tuple
:example atoms: ([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'Cu', 0], [[0.0, 1.0, 1.2], 'O', 1], ...)
:param potentials: The potentials to use.
:type potentials: list
:param edge: The edge to calculate (K, L1, L2, M1, M2, M3, ...). Default 'K'.
:type edge: str
:param amplitude_reduction_factor: The amplitude reduction factor. Default 1.0
:type amplitude_reduction_factor: float
:param effective_path_distance: The maximum effective (half-path) distance in Angstrom. Translates to rpath parameter in feff.inp. Default 2.2 times nearest neighbor distance.
:type effective_path_distance: float
# Initialize base class.
super(FEFFPhotonMatterInteractorParameters, self).__init__()
# Set the parameters. Type checking performed here.
self.atoms = atoms
self.potentials = potentials
self.edge = edge
self.amplitude_reduction_factor = amplitude_reduction_factor
self.effective_path_distance = effective_path_distance
# Finalize. This will check parameter consistency.
# Queries and setters.
def atoms(self):
""" Query method for atoms """
return self.__atoms
def atoms(self, value):
""" Set self.__atoms to value. """
# If all passed, set the member attribute.
self.__atoms = _checkAndSetAtoms(value)
self.__finalized = False
def potentials(self):
""" Query method for potentials """
return self.__potentials
def potentials(self, value):
""" Set self.__potentials to value. """
self.__potentials = value
self.__finalized = False
def edge(self):
""" Query method for edge """
return self.__edge
def edge(self, value):
""" Set self.__edge to value. """
if not isinstance(value, str):
raise TypeError("Parameter 'edge' must be a string")
if value in ['K', 'L1', 'L2', 'M1', 'M2', 'M3']:
self.__edge = value
raise ValueError("Parameter 'edge' must be one of 'K', 'L1', 'L2', 'M1', 'M2', or 'M3'.")
self.__finalized = False
def amplitude_reduction_factor(self):
""" Query method for amplitude_reduction_factor """
return self.__amplitude_reduction_factor
def amplitude_reduction_factor(self, value):
""" Set self.__amplitude_reduction_factor to value. """
try: # Cast int to float.
value = float(value)
raise TypeError("Parameter 'amplitude_reduction_factor' must be a float.")
if ( value >=0.0 or value <= 1.0 ):
self.__amplitude_reduction_factor = value
raise TypeError("Parameter 'amplitude_reduction_factor' must obey 0.0 <= x <= 1.0.")
self.__finalized = False
def effective_path_distance(self):
""" Query method for effective_path_distance """
return self.__effective_path_distance
def effective_path_distance(self, value):
""" Set self.__effective_path_distance to value. """
try: # Cast int to float.
value = float(value)
raise TypeError("Parameter 'effective_path_distance' must be a float.")
if ( value >=0.0):
self.__effective_path_distance = value
raise TypeError("Parameter 'effective_path_distance' must obey 0.0 <= x.")
self.__finalized = False
def finalized(self):
""" Query the finalization status. """
return self.__finalized
[docs] def finalize(self):
""" Finalize the parameters. Check if all parameters are internally consistent."""
# Only if not finalized.
if self.__finalized:
# Finalize potentials.
self.__potential_list = []
# Get atoms.
atoms = self.atoms
# Get potential indices.
potential_indices = [atom[2] for atom in atoms]
symbols = [atom[1] for atom in atoms]
# Sort and set.
unique_indices = set(potential_indices)
# Loop over all unique potential indices and aggregate the potential information.
for ui in unique_indices:
index = potential_indices.index(ui)
symbol = atoms[index][1] # Returns first found.
atomic_number = ALL_ELEMENTS.index(symbol)+1
self.__potential_list.append([ui, atomic_number, symbol])
self.__finalized = True
def _serialize(self, stream=sys.stdout ):
""" """
""" Private method to serialize the parameters, i.e. write the feff.inp file. """
# Only possible if finalized.
if not self.__finalized:
raise RuntimeError("Only finalized parameters can be serialized. Call the finalize() method before serialize().")
stream.write("EDGE %s\n" % (self.edge) )
stream.write("S02 %f\n" % (self.amplitude_reduction_factor) )
stream.write("CONTROL 1 1 1 1 1 1\n")
stream.write("PRINT 0 0 0 0 0 0\n")
stream.write("RPATH %f\n" % (self.effective_path_distance) )
for potential in self.__potential_list:
stream.write("%d %d %s\n" % (potential[0], potential[1], potential[2]) )
for atom in self.atoms:
stream.write("%6.5f %6.5f %6.5f %d\n" % (atom[0][0], atom[0][1], atom[0][2], atom[2]) )
# Utility functions
def _setDefaults(self):
""" """
""" Set the inherited parameters defaults that depend on the special calculator. """
self._AbstractCalculatorParameters__cpus_per_task_default = 1
def _checkAndSetAtoms(value):
""" """
""" Private function to check if input is a valid atoms list.
:parameter value: The value to check.
:return: The atom list if checks pass.
:raises: Exception if input not a correct atom list.
# Check if None
if value is None:
raise TypeError( "Parameter 'atoms' must be an iterable (list or tuple) of length > 0")
# Check if iterable.
if not hasattr( value, '__iter__') or len(value) < 1:
raise TypeError( "Parameter 'atoms' must be an iterable (list or tuple) of length > 0")
# Check all elements.
for atom in value:
# Check that each atom is a list of tuple.
if not ( isinstance(atom, list) or isinstance(atom, tuple)):
raise TypeError( "Each element in 'atoms' must be a list or tuple.")
# Check that first element is the coordinate vector.
if not hasattr( atom[0], '__iter__' ) or not len(atom[0]) == 3:
raise TypeError( "The first element in each element in 'atoms' must be an iterable of length 3 (atomic coordinates in Angstrom).")
# Check that second element is the element symbol.
if not isinstance( atom[1], str ):
raise TypeError( "The second element in each element in 'atoms' must be a string (element symbol).")
if not atom[1] in ALL_ELEMENTS:
raise ValueError( "The second element in each element in 'atoms' must be a valid element symbol.")
# Check that third element is the potential index.
if not isinstance( atom[2], int ):
raise TypeError( "The third element in each element in 'atoms' must be an integer (potential index).")
### Check potential indices.
# Extract potential indices.
potential_indices = [atom[2] for atom in value]
# Sort.
# Check that there's only one index 0.
if potential_indices[0] != 0 or 0 in potential_indices[1:]:
raise ValueError( "There must be one and only one potential index 0.")
# Get unique indices.
unique_indices = set(potential_indices)
# Check no indices missing.
for i,ui in enumerate(unique_indices):
if i != ui:
raise ValueError( "Potential index %d is missing." % (i) )
# All sane, return.
return value
def _checkAndSetPotentials(value):
""" """
""" Check if value is a valid potential. Currently, only None is accepted, i.e. default FEFF potentials are used.
:param value: The input to check.
:raises TypeError: if input is not None.
if value is None:
return value
raise ValueError( "Parameter 'potentials' must be None.")
def _checkAndSetEdge( value):
""" """
""" Check input value if a valid edge.
:param value: The value to check.
:raises TypeError: if not a str.
:raises ValueError: if not a valid edge designator ('K', 'L1', 'L2', 'M1', 'M2', 'M3', ...).
:return: The checked edge designator.
# Check default.
if value is None:
return 'K'
# Check if str.
if not isinstance(value, str):
raise TypeError( "Parameter 'edge' must be a string.")
# Lower case is ok, convert to upper.
value = value.upper()
# Accepted edges.
valid_edges = ['K', 'L1', 'L2', 'M1', 'M2', 'M3']
# Check if valid edge.
if not value in valid_edges:
raise ValueError( "Parameter 'edge' must be one of %s. " % (str(valid_edges)) )
# All sane, return.
return value
def _checkAndSetAmplitudeReductionFactor(value):
""" """
""" Check input value for amplitude_reduction_factor.
:param value: The value to check.
:raises TypeError: if not a float (0, 1 ok.)
:raises ValueError: if not in range [0, 1].
:return: The checked amplitude reduction factor.
# Handle default.
if value is None:
return 1.0
# Convert to float.
if isinstance( value, int):
value = float( value )
# Check type.
if not isinstance( value, float ):
raise TypeError( "Parameter 'amplitude_reduction_factor' must be a float. ")
# Check range.
if ( value < 0.0 ) or ( value > 1.0 ):
raise ValueError( "Parameter 'amplitude_reduction_factor' must obey 0 <= x <= 1.")
# All sane, return
return value
def _checkAndSetEffectivePathDistance(value):
""" """
""" Check input value for effective_path_distance.
:param value: The value to check.
:raises TypeError: if not a number.
:raises ValueError: if not >= 0.
:return: The checked effective path distance.
# Handle default.
if value is None:
return None
# Convert to float.
if isinstance( value, int):
value = float( value )
# Check type.
if not isinstance( value, float ):
raise TypeError( "Parameter 'effective_path_distance' must be a float. ")
# Check range.
if ( value < 0.0 ):
raise ValueError( "Parameter 'effective_path_distance' must obey x >= 0.")
# All sane, return
return value