Source code for SimEx.Parameters.PhotonBeamParameters

""" :module PhotonBeamParameters: Contains the PhotonBeamParameters class and associated functions."""
#                                                                        #
# Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Carsten Fortmann-Grote                         #
# Contact: Carsten Fortmann-Grote <>                #
#                                                                        #
# This file is part of simex_platform.                                   #
# simex_platform is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify #
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by   #
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or      #
# (at your option) any later version.                                    #
#                                                                        #
# simex_platform is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,      #
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of         #
# GNU General Public License for more details.                           #
#                                                                        #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License      #
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.  #
#                                                                        #

from SimEx.Parameters.AbstractCalculatorParameters import AbstractCalculatorParameters
from SimEx.Utilities.EntityChecks import checkAndSetInstance, checkAndSetPhysicalQuantity
from SimEx.Utilities.Units import meter, electronvolt, joule, radian

from scipy import constants
from wpg import Wavefront, wpg_uti_wf
from wpg.srwlib import srwl
import math
import numpy
import os
import sys

[docs]class PhotonBeamParameters(AbstractCalculatorParameters): def __init__(self, photon_energy, beam_diameter_fwhm, pulse_energy, photon_energy_relative_bandwidth=None, divergence=None, photon_energy_spectrum_type=None, **kwargs ): """ :class PhotonBeamParameters: Encapsulates the parameters of a photon beam. :param photon_energy: The mean photon energy in units of electronvolts (eV). :type photon_energy: float :param photon_energy_relative_bandwidth: The relative energy bandwidth :type photon_energy_relative_bandwidth: float (>0.0). :param beam_diameter_fwhm: Beam diameter in units of metre (m). :type beam_diameter_fwhm: float :param pulse_energy: Total energy of the pulse in units of Joule (J). :type pulse_energy: float :param divergence: Beam divergence angle in units of radian (rad). :type divergence: float (0 < divergence < 2*pi) :param photon_energy_spectrum_type: Type of energy spectrum ("SASE" | "tophat" | "twocolour", default "SASE"). :type photon_energy_spectrum_type: float :param kwargs: Key-value pairs to be passed to the parent class constructor. :type kwargs: dict """ super(PhotonBeamParameters, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.photon_energy = photon_energy self.photon_energy_relative_bandwidth = photon_energy_relative_bandwidth self.beam_diameter_fwhm = beam_diameter_fwhm self.pulse_energy = pulse_energy self.divergence = divergence self.photon_energy_spectrum_type = photon_energy_spectrum_type def _setDefaults(self): """ Set default for required inherited parameters. """ self._AbstractCalculatorParameters__cpus_per_task_default = 1 @property def photon_energy(self): """ Query the 'photon_energy' parameter. """ return self.__photon_energy @photon_energy.setter def photon_energy(self, val): """ Set the 'photon_energy' parameter to val.""" self.__photon_energy = checkAndSetPhysicalQuantity( val, None, electronvolt) @property def photon_energy_spectrum_type(self): """ Query the 'photon_energy_spectrum_type' parameter. """ return self.__photon_energy_spectrum_type @photon_energy_spectrum_type.setter def photon_energy_spectrum_type(self, val): """ Set the 'photon_energy_spectrum_type' parameter to val.""" self.__photon_energy_spectrum_type = checkAndSetInstance( str, val, "SASE") @property def photon_energy_relative_bandwidth(self): """ Query the 'photon_energy_relative_bandwidth' parameter. """ return self.__photon_energy_relative_bandwidth @photon_energy_relative_bandwidth.setter def photon_energy_relative_bandwidth(self, val): """ Set the 'photon_energy_relative_bandwidth' parameter to val.""" self.__photon_energy_relative_bandwidth = checkAndSetInstance( float, val, 0.01) @property def beam_diameter_fwhm(self): """ Query the 'beam_diameter_fwhm' parameter. """ return self.__beam_diameter_fwhm @beam_diameter_fwhm.setter def beam_diameter_fwhm(self, val): """ Set the 'beam_diameter_fwhm' parameter to val.""" self.__beam_diameter_fwhm = checkAndSetPhysicalQuantity( val , 1.0e-6, meter ) @property def divergence(self): """ Query the 'divergence' parameter. """ return self.__divergence @divergence.setter def divergence(self, val): """ Set the 'divergence' parameter to val.""" self.__divergence = checkAndSetPhysicalQuantity( val, 0.0, radian) @property def pulse_energy(self): """ Query the 'pulse_energy' parameter. """ return self.__pulse_energy @pulse_energy.setter def pulse_energy(self, val): """ Set the 'pulse_energy' parameter to val.""" self.__pulse_energy = checkAndSetPhysicalQuantity( val, 1.0e-3, joule)
[docs] def serialize(self, stream=sys.stdout): """ Serialize the object (write to a stream) :param stream: The stream to write to (default sys.stdout) :type stream: str || file """ if isinstance(stream, str): with open(stream, 'w') as ostream: self._serialize(ostream) elif hasattr(stream, 'write'): self._serialize(stream)
def _serialize(self, stream=sys.stdout): """ """ """ Workhorse serialization function """ stream.write("; [Photon beam parameters]" ) stream.write("\n") stream.write("\n") stream.write("; photon energy (eV)" ) stream.write("\n") stream.write("beam/photon_energy = %8.7e" % (self.photon_energy.m_as(electronvolt)) ) stream.write("\n") stream.write("\n") stream.write("; Number of photons per pulse" ) stream.write("\n") stream.write("beam/fluence = %8.7e" % (self.pulse_energy.m_as(joule) / self.photon_energy.m_as(joule) ) ) stream.write("\n") stream.write("\n") stream.write("; Radius of X-ray beam (m)" ) stream.write("\n") stream.write("beam/radius = %8.7e" % (self.beam_diameter_fwhm.m_as(meter)/2. ) ) stream.write("\n")
[docs]def propToBeamParameters( prop_output_path ): """ Utility to setup a PhotonBeamParameters instance from propagation output. """ # Check prop out exists. if not os.path.isfile(prop_output_path): raise IOError("File not found: %s." % (prop_output_path) ) # Construct the wavefront. wavefront = Wavefront() wavefront.load_hdf5( prop_output_path ) pulse_energy = wpg_uti_wf.calc_pulse_energy( wavefront ) mesh = wavefront.params.Mesh dx = (mesh.xMax - mesh.xMin)/(mesh.nx - 1) dy = (mesh.yMax - mesh.yMin)/(mesh.ny - 1) int0 = wavefront.get_intensity().sum(axis=0).sum(axis=0) # I(slice_num) total_intensity = int0*dx*dy # [J] times = numpy.linspace(mesh.sliceMin, mesh.sliceMax, mesh.nSlices) t = times[:-1] dt = times[1:] - times[:-1] It = total_intensity[:-1] m0 = numpy.sum( It*dt) m1 = numpy.sum( It*t*dt )/m0 m2 = numpy.sum( It*t**2*dt)/m0 rms = math.sqrt(m2 - m1**2) spike_fwhm_J = constants.hbar/rms spike_fwhm_eV = spike_fwhm_J/constants.e # Switch to energy domain srwl.SetRepresElecField(wavefront._srwl_wf, 'f') mesh = wavefront.params.Mesh spectrum = wavefront.get_intensity().sum(axis=0).sum(axis=0) # I(slice_num) energies = numpy.linspace(mesh.sliceMin, mesh.sliceMax, mesh.nSlices) w = energies[:-1] dw = energies[1:] - energies[:-1] Iw = spectrum[:-1] m0 = numpy.sum( Iw*dw) m1 = numpy.sum( Iw*w*dw )/m0 m2 = numpy.sum( Iw*w**2*dw)/m0 rms = math.sqrt(m2 - m1**2) photon_energy = m1 #spec_fwhm_eV = rms # Extract beam diameter fwhm xy_fwhm = wpg_uti_wf.calculate_fwhm(wavefront) # Extract divergence # Switch to reciprocal space srwl.SetRepresElecField(wavefront._srwl_wf, 'a') qxqy_fwhm = wpg_uti_wf.calculate_fwhm(wavefront) del wavefront beam_parameters = PhotonBeamParameters( photon_energy=photon_energy*electronvolt, photon_energy_relative_bandwidth=spike_fwhm_eV/photon_energy, pulse_energy=pulse_energy*joule, divergence=max([qxqy_fwhm['fwhm_x'],qxqy_fwhm['fwhm_y']])/2.*radian, beam_diameter_fwhm=max([xy_fwhm['fwhm_x'],xy_fwhm['fwhm_y']])*meter, photon_energy_spectrum_type="SASE", ) return beam_parameters