Source code for SimEx.Utilities.wpg_to_opmd

#                                                                        #
# Copyright (C) 2015-2017 Carsten Fortmann-Grote                         #
# Contact: Carsten Fortmann-Grote <>                #
#                                                                        #
# This file is part of simex_platform.                                   #
# simex_platform is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify #
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by   #
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or      #
# (at your option) any later version.                                    #
#                                                                        #
# simex_platform is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,      #
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of         #
# GNU General Public License for more details.                           #
#                                                                        #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License      #
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.  #
#                                                                        #

from argparse import ArgumentParser
import h5py
import math
import numpy
from scipy import constants

# Get some constants.
c = constants.speed_of_light
eps0 = constants.epsilon_0
e = constants.e

from SimEx.Utilities import OpenPMDTools as opmd

[docs]def convertToOPMD(input_file): """ Take native wpg output and rewrite in openPMD conformant way. @param input_file: The hdf5 file to be converted. @type: string @example: input_file = "prop_out.h5" """ # Check input file. if not h5py.is_hdf5(input_file): raise IOError("Not a valid hdf5 file: %s. " % (input_file)) # Open in and out files. with h5py.File( input_file, 'r') as h5: with h5py.File(input_file.replace(".h5", ".opmd.h5"), 'w') as opmd_h5: # Get number of time slices in wpg output, assuming horizontal and vertical polarizations have same dimensions, which is always true for wpg output. data_shape = h5['data/arrEhor'].value.shape # Branch off if this is a non-time dependent calculation in frequency domain. if data_shape[2] == 1 and h5['params/wDomain'].value == "frequency": # Time independent calculation in frequency domain. _convert_from_frequency_representation(h5, opmd_h5, data_shape) return number_of_x_meshpoints = data_shape[0] number_of_y_meshpoints = data_shape[1] number_of_time_steps = data_shape[2] time_max = h5['params/Mesh/sliceMax'].value #s time_min = h5['params/Mesh/sliceMin'].value #s time_step = abs(time_max - time_min) / number_of_time_steps #s photon_energy = h5['params/photonEnergy'].value # eV photon_energy = photon_energy * e # Convert to J # Copy misc and params from original wpg output. opmd_h5.create_group('history/parent') try: h5.copy('/params', opmd_h5['history/parent']) h5.copy('/misc', opmd_h5['history/parent']) h5.copy('/history', opmd_h5['history/parent']) # Some keys may not exist, e.g. if the input file comes from a non-simex wpg run. except KeyError: pass except: raise sum_x = 0.0 sum_y = 0.0 for it in range(number_of_time_steps): # Write opmd # Setup the root attributes for iteration 0 opmd.setup_root_attr( opmd_h5 ) full_meshes_path = opmd.get_basePath(opmd_h5, it) + opmd_h5.attrs["meshesPath"] # Setup basepath. time=time_min+it*time_step opmd.setup_base_path( opmd_h5, iteration=it, time=time, time_step=time_step) opmd_h5.create_group(full_meshes_path) meshes = opmd_h5[full_meshes_path] # Path to the E field, within the h5 file. full_e_path_name = b"E" meshes.create_group(full_e_path_name) E = meshes[full_e_path_name] # Create the dataset (2d cartesian grid) E.create_dataset(b"x", (number_of_x_meshpoints, number_of_y_meshpoints), dtype=numpy.complex64, compression='gzip') E.create_dataset(b"y", (number_of_x_meshpoints, number_of_y_meshpoints), dtype=numpy.complex64, compression='gzip') # Write the common metadata for the group E.attrs["geometry"] = numpy.string_("cartesian") # Get grid geometry. nx = h5['params/Mesh/nx'].value xMax = h5['params/Mesh/xMax'].value xMin = h5['params/Mesh/xMin'].value dx = (xMax - xMin) / nx ny = h5['params/Mesh/ny'].value yMax = h5['params/Mesh/yMax'].value yMin = h5['params/Mesh/yMin'].value dy = (yMax - yMin) / ny E.attrs["gridSpacing"] = numpy.array( [dx,dy], dtype=numpy.float64) E.attrs["gridGlobalOffset"] = numpy.array([h5['params/xCentre'].value, h5['params/yCentre'].value], dtype=numpy.float64) E.attrs["gridUnitSI"] = numpy.float64(1.0) E.attrs["dataOrder"] = numpy.string_("C") E.attrs["axisLabels"] = numpy.array([b"x",b"y"]) E.attrs["unitDimension"] = \ numpy.array([1.0, 1.0, -3.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], dtype=numpy.float64) # L M T I theta N J # E is in volts per meters: V / m = kg * m / (A * s^3) # -> L * M * T^-3 * I^-1 # Add time information E.attrs["timeOffset"] = 0. # Time offset with respect to basePath's time # Write attribute that is specific to each dataset: # - Staggered position within a cell E["x"].attrs["position"] = numpy.array([0.0, 0.5], dtype=numpy.float32) E["y"].attrs["position"] = numpy.array([0.5, 0.0], dtype=numpy.float32) # - Conversion factor to SI units # WPG writes E fields in units of sqrt(W/mm^2), i.e. it writes E*sqrt(c * eps0 / 2). # Unit analysis: # [E] = V/m # [eps0] = As/Vm # [c] = m/s # ==> [E^2 * eps0 * c] = V**2/m**2 * As/Vm * m/s = V*A/m**2 = W/m**2 = [Intensity] # Converting to SI units by dividing by sqrt(c*eps0/2)*1e3, 1e3 for conversion from mm to m. c = 2.998e8 # m/s eps0 = 8.854e-12 # As/Vm E["x"].attrs["unitSI"] = numpy.float64(1.0 / math.sqrt(0.5 * c * eps0) / 1.0e3 ) E["y"].attrs["unitSI"] = numpy.float64(1.0 / math.sqrt(0.5 * c * eps0) / 1.0e3 ) # Copy the fields. Ex = h5['data/arrEhor'][:,:,it,0] + 1j * h5['data/arrEhor'][:,:,it,1] Ey = h5['data/arrEver'][:,:,it,0] + 1j * h5['data/arrEver'][:,:,it,1] E["x"][:,:] = Ex E["y"][:,:] = Ey # Get area element. dA = dx*dy ### Number of photon fields. # Path to the number of photons. full_nph_path_name = b"Nph" meshes.create_group(full_nph_path_name) Nph = meshes[full_nph_path_name] # Create the dataset (2d cartesian grid) Nph.create_dataset(b"x", (number_of_x_meshpoints, number_of_y_meshpoints), dtype=numpy.float32, compression='gzip') Nph.create_dataset(b"y", (number_of_x_meshpoints, number_of_y_meshpoints), dtype=numpy.float32, compression='gzip') # Write the common metadata for the group Nph.attrs["geometry"] = numpy.string_("cartesian") Nph.attrs["gridSpacing"] = numpy.array( [dx,dy], dtype=numpy.float64) Nph.attrs["gridGlobalOffset"] = numpy.array([h5['params/xCentre'].value, h5['params/yCentre'].value], dtype=numpy.float64) Nph.attrs["gridUnitSI"] = numpy.float64(1.0) Nph.attrs["dataOrder"] = numpy.string_("C") Nph.attrs["axisLabels"] = numpy.array([b"x",b"y"]) Nph.attrs["unitDimension"] = \ numpy.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], dtype=numpy.float64) # Add time information Nph.attrs["timeOffset"] = 0. # Time offset with respect to basePath's time # Nph - Staggered position within a cell Nph["x"].attrs["position"] = numpy.array([0.0, 0.5], dtype=numpy.float32) Nph["y"].attrs["position"] = numpy.array([0.5, 0.0], dtype=numpy.float32) Nph["x"].attrs["unitSI"] = numpy.float64(1.0 ) Nph["y"].attrs["unitSI"] = numpy.float64(1.0 ) # Calculate number of photons via intensity and photon energy. # Since fields are stored as sqrt(W/mm^2), have to convert to W/m^2 (factor 1e6 below). number_of_photons_x = numpy.round(abs(Ex)**2 * dA * time_step *1.0e6 / photon_energy) number_of_photons_y = numpy.round(abs(Ey)**2 * dA * time_step *1.0e6 / photon_energy) sum_x += number_of_photons_x.sum(axis=-1).sum(axis=-1) sum_y += number_of_photons_y.sum(axis=-1).sum(axis=-1) Nph["x"][:,:] = number_of_photons_x Nph["y"][:,:] = number_of_photons_y ### Phases. # Path to phases full_phases_path_name = b"phases" meshes.create_group(full_phases_path_name) phases = meshes[full_phases_path_name] # Create the dataset (2d cartesian grid) phases.create_dataset(b"x", (number_of_x_meshpoints, number_of_y_meshpoints), dtype=numpy.float32, compression='gzip') phases.create_dataset(b"y", (number_of_x_meshpoints, number_of_y_meshpoints), dtype=numpy.float32, compression='gzip') # Write the common metadata for the group phases.attrs["geometry"] = numpy.string_("cartesian") phases.attrs["gridSpacing"] = numpy.array( [dx,dy], dtype=numpy.float64) phases.attrs["gridGlobalOffset"] = numpy.array([h5['params/xCentre'].value, h5['params/yCentre'].value], dtype=numpy.float64) phases.attrs["gridUnitSI"] = numpy.float64(1.0) phases.attrs["dataOrder"] = numpy.string_("C") phases.attrs["axisLabels"] = numpy.array([b"x",b"y"]) phases.attrs["unitDimension"] = numpy.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], dtype=numpy.float64) phases["x"].attrs["unitSI"] = numpy.float64(1.0 ) phases["y"].attrs["unitSI"] = numpy.float64(1.0 ) # Add time information phases.attrs["timeOffset"] = 0. # Time offset with respect to basePath's time # phases positions. - Staggered position within a cell phases["x"].attrs["position"] = numpy.array([0.0, 0.5], dtype=numpy.float32) phases["y"].attrs["position"] = numpy.array([0.5, 0.0], dtype=numpy.float32) phases["x"][:,:] = numpy.angle(Ex) phases["y"][:,:] = numpy.angle(Ey) print("Found %e and %e photons for horizontal and vertical polarization, respectively." % (sum_x, sum_y))
def _convert_from_frequency_representation(h5, opmd_h5, data_shape, pulse_energy=1.0e-3, pulse_duration=23.0e-15): """ Converter for non-time dependent wavefronts in frequency representation. Requires knowledge of pulse energy and pulse duration to allow photon number calculation. """ number_of_x_meshpoints = data_shape[0] number_of_y_meshpoints = data_shape[1] photon_energy = h5['params/photonEnergy'].value # eV photon_energy = photon_energy * e # Convert to J # Copy misc and params from original wpg output. opmd_h5.create_group('history/parent') try: h5.copy('/params', opmd_h5['history/parent']) h5.copy('/misc', opmd_h5['history/parent']) h5.copy('/history', opmd_h5['history/parent']) # Some keys may not exist, e.g. if the input file comes from a non-simex wpg run. except KeyError: pass except: raise sum_x = 0.0 sum_y = 0.0 # Write opmd # Setup the root attributes. it = 0 opmd.setup_root_attr( opmd_h5 ) full_meshes_path = opmd.get_basePath(opmd_h5, it) + opmd_h5.attrs["meshesPath"] # Setup basepath. time = 0.0 time_step = pulse_duration opmd.setup_base_path( opmd_h5, iteration=it, time=time, time_step=time_step) opmd_h5.create_group(full_meshes_path) meshes = opmd_h5[full_meshes_path] ## Path to the E field, within the h5 file. #full_e_path_name = b"E" #meshes.create_group(full_e_path_name) #E = meshes[full_e_path_name] ## Create the dataset (2d cartesian grid) #E.create_dataset(b"x", (number_of_x_meshpoints, number_of_y_meshpoints), dtype=numpy.complex64, compression='gzip') #E.create_dataset(b"y", (number_of_x_meshpoints, number_of_y_meshpoints), dtype=numpy.complex64, compression='gzip') ## Write the common metadata for the group #E.attrs["geometry"] = numpy.string_("cartesian") ## Get grid geometry. nx = h5['params/Mesh/nx'].value xMax = h5['params/Mesh/xMax'].value xMin = h5['params/Mesh/xMin'].value dx = (xMax - xMin) / nx ny = h5['params/Mesh/ny'].value yMax = h5['params/Mesh/yMax'].value yMin = h5['params/Mesh/yMin'].value dy = (yMax - yMin) / ny #E.attrs["gridSpacing"] = numpy.array( [dx,dy], dtype=numpy.float64) #E.attrs["gridGlobalOffset"] = numpy.array([h5['params/xCentre'].value, h5['params/yCentre'].value], dtype=numpy.float64) #E.attrs["gridUnitSI"] = numpy.float64(1.0) #E.attrs["dataOrder"] = numpy.string_("C") #E.attrs["axisLabels"] = numpy.array([b"x",b"y"]) #E.attrs["unitDimension"] = \ #numpy.array([1.0, 1.0, -3.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], dtype=numpy.float64) ## L M T I theta N J ## E is in volts per meters: V / m = kg * m / (A * s^3) ## -> L * M * T^-3 * I^-1 ## Add time information #E.attrs["timeOffset"] = 0. # Time offset with respect to basePath's time ## Write attribute that is specific to each dataset: ## - Staggered position within a cell #E["x"].attrs["position"] = numpy.array([0.0, 0.5], dtype=numpy.float32) #E["y"].attrs["position"] = numpy.array([0.5, 0.0], dtype=numpy.float32) ## - Conversion factor to SI units ## WPG writes E fields in units of sqrt(W/mm^2), i.e. it writes E*sqrt(c * eps0 / 2). ## Unit analysis: ## [E] = V/m ## [eps0] = As/Vm ## [c] = m/s ## ==> [E^2 * eps0 * c] = V**2/m**2 * As/Vm * m/s = V*A/m**2 = W/m**2 = [Intensity] ## Converting to SI units by dividing by sqrt(c*eps0/2)*1e3, 1e3 for conversion from mm to m. #c = 2.998e8 # m/s #eps0 = 8.854e-12 # As/Vm #E["x"].attrs["unitSI"] = numpy.float64(1.0 / math.sqrt(0.5 * c * eps0) / 1.0e3 ) #E["y"].attrs["unitSI"] = numpy.float64(1.0 / math.sqrt(0.5 * c * eps0) / 1.0e3 ) # Get E fields. Ex = h5['data/arrEhor'][:,:,it,0] + 1j * h5['data/arrEhor'][:,:,it,1] Ey = h5['data/arrEver'][:,:,it,0] + 1j * h5['data/arrEver'][:,:,it,1] #E["x"][:,:] = Ex #E["y"][:,:] = Ey ### Number of photon fields. # Path to the number of photons. full_nph_path_name = b"Nph" meshes.create_group(full_nph_path_name) Nph = meshes[full_nph_path_name] # Create the dataset (2d cartesian grid) Nph.create_dataset(b"x", (number_of_x_meshpoints, number_of_y_meshpoints), dtype=numpy.float32, compression='gzip') Nph.create_dataset(b"y", (number_of_x_meshpoints, number_of_y_meshpoints), dtype=numpy.float32, compression='gzip') # Write the common metadata for the group Nph.attrs["geometry"] = numpy.string_("cartesian") Nph.attrs["gridSpacing"] = numpy.array( [dx,dy], dtype=numpy.float64) Nph.attrs["gridGlobalOffset"] = numpy.array([h5['params/xCentre'].value, h5['params/yCentre'].value], dtype=numpy.float64) Nph.attrs["gridUnitSI"] = numpy.float64(1.0) Nph.attrs["dataOrder"] = numpy.string_("C") Nph.attrs["axisLabels"] = numpy.array([b"x",b"y"]) Nph.attrs["unitDimension"] = \ numpy.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], dtype=numpy.float64) # Add time information Nph.attrs["timeOffset"] = 0. # Time offset with respect to basePath's time # Nph - Staggered position within a cell Nph["x"].attrs["position"] = numpy.array([0.0, 0.5], dtype=numpy.float32) Nph["y"].attrs["position"] = numpy.array([0.5, 0.0], dtype=numpy.float32) Nph["x"].attrs["unitSI"] = numpy.float64(1.0 ) Nph["y"].attrs["unitSI"] = numpy.float64(1.0 ) # Calculate number of photons via intensity and photon energy. # Since fields are stored as sqrt(W/mm^2), have to convert to W/m^2 (factor 1e6 below). number_of_photons_x = numpy.round(abs(Ex)**2) number_of_photons_y = numpy.round(abs(Ey)**2) sum_x = number_of_photons_x.sum(axis=-1).sum(axis=-1) sum_y = number_of_photons_y.sum(axis=-1).sum(axis=-1) # Conversion from Nph/s/0.1%bandwidth/mm to Nph. Sum * photon_energy must be equal to pulse energy. # Normalization factor. c_factor = pulse_energy / photon_energy # Normalize number_of_photons_x *= c_factor number_of_photons_y *= c_factor # Normalize to sum over all pixels (if != 0 ). if sum_x != 0.0: number_of_photons_x /= sum_x if sum_y != 0.0: number_of_photons_y /= sum_y # Write to h5 dataset. Nph["x"][:,:] = number_of_photons_x Nph["y"][:,:] = number_of_photons_y ### Phases. # Path to phases full_phases_path_name = b"phases" meshes.create_group(full_phases_path_name) phases = meshes[full_phases_path_name] # Create the dataset (2d cartesian grid) phases.create_dataset(b"x", (number_of_x_meshpoints, number_of_y_meshpoints), dtype=numpy.float32, compression='gzip') phases.create_dataset(b"y", (number_of_x_meshpoints, number_of_y_meshpoints), dtype=numpy.float32, compression='gzip') # Write the common metadata for the group phases.attrs["geometry"] = numpy.string_("cartesian") phases.attrs["gridSpacing"] = numpy.array( [dx,dy], dtype=numpy.float64) phases.attrs["gridGlobalOffset"] = numpy.array([h5['params/xCentre'].value, h5['params/yCentre'].value], dtype=numpy.float64) phases.attrs["gridUnitSI"] = numpy.float64(1.0) phases.attrs["dataOrder"] = numpy.string_("C") phases.attrs["axisLabels"] = numpy.array([b"x",b"y"]) phases.attrs["unitDimension"] = numpy.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], dtype=numpy.float64) phases["x"].attrs["unitSI"] = numpy.float64(1.0 ) phases["y"].attrs["unitSI"] = numpy.float64(1.0 ) # Add time information phases.attrs["timeOffset"] = 0. # Time offset with respect to basePath's time # phases positions. - Staggered position within a cell phases["x"].attrs["position"] = numpy.array([0.0, 0.5], dtype=numpy.float32) phases["y"].attrs["position"] = numpy.array([0.5, 0.0], dtype=numpy.float32) phases["x"][:,:] = numpy.angle(Ex) phases["y"][:,:] = numpy.angle(Ey) print("Found %e and %e photons for horizontal and vertical polarization, respectively." % (sum_x, sum_y)) opmd_h5.close() h5.close() if __name__ == "__main__": # Parse arguments. parser = ArgumentParser(description="Convert wpg output to openPMD conform hdf5.") parser.add_argument("input_file", metavar="input_file", help="name of the file to convert.") args = parser.parse_args() # Call the converter routine. convertToOPMD(args.input_file)