OpenPMD |
raytracing C++ API |
Implementation |
Implementation Review Mads |
Internal Review Implementation |
Documentation |
Tests |
CI |
Remaining issues [0/1] |
Contingency |
Release |
McStas openPMD I/O component |
Implementation |
Remaining issues [0/2] |
Contingency |
Tests |
Release |
Internal Review Implementation |
Documentation |
CI |
OpenPMD raytracing to numpy conversion for ML training |
raytracing extension |
Prepare PR to openPMD standard |
Interal review |
Submission to openPMD |
follow up till integration |
raytracing Python API |
Implementation |
Internal Review Implementation |
Documentation |
Tests |
CI |
Contingency |
Release |
PyVinyl |
Integration new Parameter class |
Integration Instrument class |
Support for numpy arrays in Parameter class |
McStasScript using libPyVinyl |
SimEx-lite using libPyVinyl |
Shadow3 calculator and parameters |
New release of libPyVinyl |
Instrument database API (load, diff) [0/2] |
Milestones |
Alpha Releases |
Cloud deployment |
Material properties database connectors |
McStasScript |
SimEx-lite |
libPyVinyl |
Instrument repository |
Beta Releases |
libPyVinyl |
McStasScript |
SimEx-lite |
Instrument repository |
Protocol comparison sim vs data and sim vs sim |
Adding section about simulation vs simulation comparison |
Review and fixes |
Papers |
In-silico neutron diffraction from Boro-carbon systems |
Oasys |
Docker image |
Instrument database |
SimEx example with parameters |
McStas example for D22 with parameters |
Automatic tests |
McStas example for Thales with parameters |
PAN-learning |
Oasys schools material uploaded to PAN learning |
Simex material |
Simulation database |
Alpha test |
Beta test |
Deployment |